Preventing Common Rodents in South Florida

Preventing Common Rodents in South Florida

Common to the Florida area, rodents can cause significant damage to our homes by chewing on wires, destroying insulation, and contaminating our living areas. There are several types of rodents in Florida that homeowners should be aware of to properly prevent them from invading. Check out our list of common rodents and how to prevent them from invading your home.

Types of Rodents in Florida:

  1. Norway Rats: Norway rats have brown fur and can grow up to 10 inches long! They typically live in burrows and will enter homes through gaps in the foundation or holes in walls.
  2. Roof Rats: Roof rats are smaller than Norway rats and can be typically found in the upper parts of buildings, such as attics, roofs, and trees. You can tell them apart from other rats as they have longer tails and are gray or black.
  3. House Mice: House mice are small and can fit through very small openings. You’ll typically find these mice in kitchens and they are often identified by their droppings, which are small and black.
  4. Squirrels: Cute but not so cuddly, squirrels are known to invade our yards and attics! Once inside, these wildlife creatures can cause significant damage to homes by chewing on wires and insulation.

Preventing Rodents from Invading Homes:

  • Seal Entry Points: Check for any gaps or holes in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof, and seal them to prevent rodents from entering.
  • Keep Your Home Clean: Keep your home clean and free of food debris. This will make it less attractive to rodents. After each meal, make sure to wipe up any leftover crumbs or spills as soon as possible.
  • Store Food Properly: Look to store your food in sealed containers with a tight lid. This will make it more difficult for rodents to access.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim any trees or shrubs that are close to your home and roofline, as they can provide a pathway for rodents to enter.
  • Reduce Moisture: Check for sources of moisture throughout your home, as rodents are attracted to water. Consider utilizing a dehumidifier in your basement and enclosing your crawlspace.

If you suspect that any of these common rodents have invaded your home, it’s best to reach out to your local pest control company for help. These expert professionals will be able to remove, exclude, and prevent them in the future!

Why Am I Seeing Rodents in Spring?

Why Am I Seeing Rodents in Spring?

Rodents such as mice, rats, and squirrels are overwintering pests, taking refuge inside your home during the colder months of the year. When spring arrives, these pests are already hiding in your attic, basement, crawlspace, garage, and even inside your walls. As the weather warms, they emerge for two reasons: searching for food and breeding season.

Rodents are dangerous to have inside your house for many reasons including:

  • Chewing through wiring, drywall, and insulation
  • Increasing your exposure to fleas, ticks, lice, mites, and more
  • Contaminating your home with their urine and feces
  • Spreading diseases like hantavirus, plague, and tularemia

Keeping rodents out of your home during any season of the year starts with prevention. Implement some of these rodent control tips this spring:

  • Inspect doors and windows for loose or broken seals and repair or replace them immediately.
  • Use screens on doors and windows, especially ones that are opened frequently.
  • Seal any exterior cracks or gaps.
  • Use mesh screens on chimneys, downspouts, and vents.
  • Seal food in canisters with lids.
  • Use trashcans with lids.
  • Keep your yard mowed and shrubbery trimmed.
  • Get rid of any yard debris.
  • Keep firewood away from your house.
  • Vacuum everywhere, especially where crumbs might be present.

If you have a problem with rodents or any other household pests, contact your local pest control company for a thorough evaluation.


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Common Rats and Mice You Might See this Spring

Common Rats and Mice You Might See this Spring

Rodents, such as rats and mice, are common household pests that can cause many problems, from property damage to health issues. In the southern United States, there are several types of rats and mice that are commonly found near homes. Let’s go over the most common types of rats and mice and how to prevent them from invading your home.

Roof Rat

Roof rats are also known as black rats and are commonly found in urban and suburban areas. They are about 7-10 inches in length and have pointed snouts, large ears, and long, thin tails. They are excellent climbers and can often be found in attics and trees.

Norway Rat

Norway rats are also known as brown rats and are larger than roof rats, measuring 10-12 inches in length. They have blunt snouts, small ears, and short, thick tails. They are burrowers and are often found in basements and crawl spaces.

House Mouse

House mice are small rodents that are about 3-4 inches in length. They have pointed snouts, large ears, and long, thin tails. They are excellent climbers and can often be found in attics and walls.

Deer Mouse

Deer mice are small rodents that are about 3-4 inches in length. They are brown or gray in color and have large eyes and ears. They are often found in rural areas and can carry hantavirus, a potentially fatal disease.

How to prevent rodents:

  • Seal any cracks or openings in your home’s exterior
  • Keep your home clean and free of clutter
  • Store food in sealed containers
  • Keep basement and crawl space clean and free of debris
  • Keep trees trimmed away from your home

If you believe you have a rodent infestation, give your local wildlife control company a call to provide a customized plan of action!

Common Pest Problems After a Miami Hurricane

Common Pest Problems After a Miami Hurricane

Miami, Florida is known for its beautiful beaches, lively city, and hurricanes! Unfortunately, hurricanes can bring in an influx of certain pest problems that can cause significant damage and be a nuisance. Check out the common hurricane pest problems that you could see after a storm and how to prevent them.

Common Pests After a Hurricane

Check out the most common hurricane pests you could see after a storm which include:

  • Mosquitoes: Standing water left behind by the storm will become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Items that hold water are a huge attractant to these pests, including toys, overturned trash lids, bird baths, flowerpot sauces, and more.
  • Cockroaches: Flooded areas are an ideal living environment for cockroaches to inhabit as they prefer damp climates and areas. Likewise, once they invade, it can be difficult to control them as they reproduce at a rapid pace.
  • Termites: Flooding and moisture can weaken the structure of homes, making them more susceptible to termite infestations. Termites will cause significant wood damage and destroy the structural integrity of your home by eating it from the inside out.
  • Rodents: These wildlife creatures will seek out damaged or flooded areas. Rodents, such as rats, carry many diseases and can cause damage to your home, including chewed electrical wires and destroyed insulation.

Preventing Pests Before a Hurricane

Taking precautions before a hurricane or storm arrives is the best way to prevent hurricane pests from invading your home. Check out our top pest prevention tips:

  • Keep your gutters clear of debris and standing water
  • Place wood debris and tree stumps away from your house.
  • Keep your home clutter-free by removing any old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.
  • Eliminate standing water around your home by checking for any leaky faucets, pipes, sinks, and appliances.
  • Remove any items from your yard that can collect water, such as toys, buckets, old tires, tarps, etc.
  • Seal up any cracks and holes outside of your home, including the areas where utility and pipes enter.
  • Ensure your vents are screened and any gaps around your windows and doors are sealed.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated it at least 5 inches off the ground.
  • Keep your home clutter-free by removing any old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.

If you’ve seen an increase in pest activity after a storm, it could be time to reach out to your local pest control company for a thorough inspection and treatment plan.

Your Spring Pest Control Checklist

Your Spring Pest Control Checklist

Spring brings new life, warmer weather, and pests! Because of the spring weather, household pests such as ants, roaches, mosquitoes, termites, rodents, and other pests emerge from hibernation in search of a food source and a place to nest. Now is the ideal time to prevent these pests from multiplying. Check out our tips for spring pest control!

Seal Entry Points

Pests can enter your home through the smallest crack, crevice, or hole. Examine the exterior of your home for these areas, including the foundation, pipes, windows, doors, and HVAC units. Cockroaches, rodents, wasps, ants, and other pests will gain entry and cause a variety of problems in your home. Seal any openings with caulk if you find them. Consider using a sweep to seal the gap between the floor and the door for doors. Use screens on doors and windows and keep them in good condition.

Remove Stagnant Water

Warmer weather and standing water will attract pests such as mosquitoes and roaches to your property. Standing water attracts pests and allows them to multiply and thrive, so it is critical to remove it. Check for leaks on the outside and inside of your home. Pests can be attracted by dripping faucets and loose fixtures. Remove any items in your yard that could collect water, such as flowerpots, old tires, tarps, toys, and so on. Consider enclosing your crawlspace to help control moisture and temperature inside your home.

Keep Your Woodpiles Safe

Many pests will use our firewood to make their way into our homes. Keep your woodpiles at least 20 feet away from your house. To prevent termites and roaches from living in them, consider placing them in plastic containers with lids and elevating them off the ground. Inspect it for pests and brush them off before bringing it inside.

Remove Clutter

Starting your spring cleaning early could help keep pests at bay! Consider starting at the ground floor and working your way up to declutter your home. Clean the floors, dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, and empty your closets and drawers of unnecessary items. Remove old newspapers and cardboard boxes from storage, as these can attract rodents looking for a nesting site. Remove old tree stumps, twigs, and other debris from your yard. Similarly, rake up all the leaves and keep mowing on a regular basis.

Clean Up and Store Food Properly

Mice and rats are looking for food and have infiltrated our kitchens to find it. It is critical to clean your kitchen and store leftover food safely. Wipe down your counters after each meal and clean up any leftover crumbs or spills. Sweep and mop your kitchen floors on a regular basis, and don’t forget to clean under your appliances. Use trashcans with lids to dispose of your garbage on a regular basis. Make use of airtight containers when storing food.

While following these spring pest control tips can help keep bugs out of your home, it is sometimes necessary to call a professional for extra protection. Your local pest control company can inspect your home, identify potential pest sources, and recommend a pest control and prevention strategy.

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