5 Ways To Keep Snakes Away

5 Ways To Keep Snakes Away

When it comes to living in the beautiful state of Georgia, there’s no denying that the warm climate and lush landscapes come with their fair share of wildlife encounters. One of the most common and, for many, dreaded encounters is with snakes. While Georgia is home to a variety of snake species, understanding snake control, prevention, and removal techniques is essential for safeguarding your property and your loved ones. In this blog post, we’ll explore common snakes in Georgia, when snake season typically occurs, and effective ways to keep these slithering neighbors at bay.

Common Snakes in Georgia

Before delving into snake control methods, let’s familiarize ourselves with some of the common snake species found in Georgia:

  1. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake: This venomous snake is one of the largest rattlesnake species in the world. They are mostly found in the southern part of the state.
  2. Copperhead: Copperheads are venomous and often have a copper-colored head. They are prevalent throughout Georgia.
  3. Eastern Coral Snake: Although rare, these venomous snakes can be found in certain parts of the state, particularly in the southern regions.
  4. Black Rat Snake: Non-venomous and beneficial for controlling rodent populations. They are widespread throughout Georgia.
  5. Eastern Garter Snake: Another non-venomous species often found in gardens and grassy areas.
  6. Eastern King Snake: These are known for their striking appearance and are valuable for keeping other snake populations in check.

When is Snake Season in Georgia?

Snake season in Georgia typically begins in the spring and lasts through the fall. During this time, snakes become more active as they search for food and suitable breeding grounds. It’s essential to be especially vigilant during these months to reduce the likelihood of unwanted snake encounters.

Ways to Keep Snakes Away from Your Home

Now that we’ve discussed common snakes and their active seasons, let’s explore effective snake control and prevention techniques to protect your home and family:

1. Maintain a Tidy Yard:

  • Trim tall grass and overgrown vegetation.
  • Keep firewood and debris piles away from your home.
  • Regularly clean up fallen leaves and debris.

2. Seal Entry Points:

  • Inspect your home for any gaps or cracks in the foundation, walls, and doors.
  • Seal gaps around utility pipes and drainage lines.
  • Repair damaged screens and vents.

3. Remove Attractants:

  • Secure trash cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Keep bird feeders and pet food indoors or in secure containers.
  • Minimize rodent populations to reduce snake prey.

4. Install Snake Fencing:

  • Consider installing snake-proof fencing around your property.
  • These barriers can deter snakes from entering your yard.

5. Professional Snake Control and Removal:

  • If you spot a snake on your property or inside your home, do not attempt to handle it yourself.
  • Contact a licensed pest control professional for safe snake removal.

Protecting Yourself from Snake Bites

While preventing snake encounters is the first line of defense, it’s also crucial to know how to protect yourself from snake bites:

  • Wear sturdy boots and long pants when working in areas where snakes may be present.
  • Be cautious when stepping over rocks, logs, or tall grass.
  • Use a flashlight at night to watch your step in snake-prone areas.

Request a Free Wildlife Control Quote

The importance of effective snake control and removal cannot be stressed enough. While Georgia’s natural beauty and warm climate make it an attractive place to live, it’s essential to be prepared for encounters with snakes. By following these snake control and prevention tips, you can create a safer environment for your family and minimize the chances of unwelcome snake guests. Remember that professional assistance through your local pest control company is just a phone call away if you ever need help with snake removal or control. Stay vigilant, stay safe, and enjoy all that Georgia has to offer!

How To Be Safe Around Snakes

How To Be Safe Around Snakes

Most snakes you encounter are harmless, with only a few species of venomous snakes in Georgia. In fact, most snake bites occur when the snake is accidentally handled or touched when walking or climbing. Although most snakes aren’t aggressive and will flee rather than attack, it is still important to be safe when spending time outdoors. Here are some snake safety tips you can use this snake season.

  1. Walk with a buddy when possible, especially if you’re walking near woods and water sources.
  2. Don’t step or stick your hands into areas where you can’t see.
  3. When in the woods, wear closed-toe shoes, preferably over the ankle boots, thick socks, and long, loose-fitting pants.
  4. Carry a walking stick with you and tap ahead of you while walking into areas where you can’t see.
  5. Step onto rocks and logs vs over them in case a snake is using them for shelter.
  6. Avoid walking through dense brush.
  7. Avoid walking at night, if possible. If you must, carry a flashlight with you.
  8. Don’t pick up a snake, even if it’s dead. Reflexes can make a snake strike for up to an hour after it dies.
  9. If you come up on a snake, give it the right of way and slowly move out of its way.
  10. Educate yourself. Learn the difference between venomous and nonvenomous snakes in your area and how to identify them.

Keeping yourself and your family safe from snakes while spending time outdoors is very important. If you have a problem with snakes or other wildlife, contact your local pest control company for assistance.

Summer Wildlife: Raccoons

Summer Wildlife: Raccoons

Raccoons are common wildlife found around homes or anywhere they can find an available food source. Although they look cute and cuddly, they are very aggressive when cornered and can cause significant damage to your home and yard.

Raccoons mate in February and March and litters are born 60-70 days after. They have anywhere from 2 to 5 kits per litter. Young raccoons are fully weaned and independent from their mothers in the summer, which is why we often see more of them this time of year. Mother raccoons are finding food and new nesting sites for their newly independent babies.

Raccoons will nest high in trees and are often found in our attics and crawlspaces. They are omnivores and will feed on anything, often raiding our trashcans for a meal. In late summer, they increase their food intake to build up their fat layers for the upcoming winter months.

Raccoons cause damage by upending trashcans and spreading trash across our yards, leaving droppings behind that contaminate our homes, urinating in attics which contaminates insulation and can cause mold, chewing through wires causing fire hazards, and shredding insulation for nests which can lead to costly damages and increased heating and air bills.

You can prevent raccoons by:

  • Getting rid of food sources. These pests won’t hang around if there’s nothing to eat. Secure trashcan lids with either locking lids, bungee cords, or heavy items like cinder blocks placed on top. Bring pet food and bird feeders inside overnight. Clean up fruit that may have fallen from trees on the ground.
  • Sealing entrances. Raccoons prefer to nest in dark, cozy spaces. They will often nest in attics, crawlspaces, and under porches. Block off entrances to these areas by closing gaps in attics, roofs, and siding and installing trellises around the bottom of porches.
  • Calling professional wildlife control. They can be very aggressive when cornered or trapped. Contact your local pest control company who can safely remove and relocate raccoons from your property.
Common Summer Wildlife in Georgia

Common Summer Wildlife in Georgia

Summer is a time when wildlife is often more active and visible around your home. While it can be exciting to see these animals, it’s important to take precautions to keep them out of your home and prevent any potential damage. Here is the most common summer wildlife you’ll begin seeing soon and some tips on how you can keep these critters away!


Squirrels are a common sight in many neighborhoods during the summer. While they can be fun to watch, they can also cause damage to your home and property.

To prevent squirrels in your attic or crawlspace:

  • Make sure to seal any gaps in your home’s exterior
  • Fix any holes in your roof or siding
  • Trim back any tree branches that may be close to your home


Raccoons are another common summer wildlife that you may find around your home. They can be attracted to garbage cans and compost bins.

To prevent raccoons from being attracted to your property:

  • Make sure to also seal any gaps or holes in your roof or siding
  • Use trash cans with sealed lids


Snakes are more active during the summer months and may be found around your home or yard. It’s not often that you’ll see venomous snakes near your property, but there are some that live in Georgia. Just be on the lookout while outside hiking or walking through wooded areas.

To prevent snakes from entering your home:

  • Make sure to seal any gaps or holes in your foundation or walls
  • Keep your yard tidy and free of debris

We hope these tips will help lessen the chances of wildlife finding their way indoors this summer. If you begin to suspect your home might have some uninvited guests, give your local wildlife control company a call today!

Benefits of Keeping Snakes Around

Benefits of Keeping Snakes Around

While the majority of snakes found in Georgia are non-venomous, there are a handful of venomous snake species around. Your first instinct when coming across a snake in or around your home might be to panic or to immediately get rid of it, unless it poses a direct threat to you or your family the best thing to do is leave it alone. Here are some benefits of keeping snakes around.

  1. Natural Pest Control. Snakes are great at keeping other pest populations around your home in check. They commonly feed on small mammals (especially rodents, including those who carry ticks that can be dangerous to humans), insects, birds, amphibians, and even other snakes. Without these wildlife creatures to help keep populations of these pests down, they would reproduce essentially unchecked and be incredibly difficult to keep under control.
  2. Balancing the ecosystem. Snakes are both predator and prey. Because of this, they play a vital role in maintaining the balance and biodiversity of the ecosystem. As mentioned above, when playing the role of predator, these creatures are great at keeping other pest populations down. When playing the role of prey, they are an important source of food for birds of prey and larger mammals (like foxes). Without snakes, these animals would struggle to find an adequate food source.

Snakes can be great to have around your home. If you can’t abide by the idea of a snake living close by, you can prevent them with these tips.

  • Make your home and yard less attractive to snakes who are looking for food and shelter.
  • Remove any food sources such as rodents or other pests.
  • Keep pet food sealed in containers.
  • Don’t leave pet food out overnight.
  • Clean up spilled pet food and birdseed from the ground.
  • Don’t overwater your lawn as this can attract worms, frogs, and slugs – another food source for snakes.
  • Have your home inspected for rodents and other pests and maintain routine pest control treatments.
  • Seal any entries into your crawlspace or basement that are larger than 1/4″.
  • Make sure doorsweeps and window screens fit tightly.
  • Cover vents and drains that come into the house.
  • Keep grass mowed – tall grass and weeds provide more coverage from predators.
  • Clean up any debris snakes can hide under (scarp metal, wood piles, trash, logs, etc.).
  • Check the roof for overhanging vegetation – snakes are good climbers and can access your home from the roof.

If you do have a problem with snakes around your home, contact your local pest control company for a safe snake removal service.

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