Why Do I Have a Bug Problem in My Florida Home?

Why Do I Have a Bug Problem in My Florida Home?

Living in Florida, we have to deal with our fair share of bugs invading our home throughout the year. Whether mosquitoes are invading your yard, ants are taking over your kitchen, or rats are raiding your trash cans, household pests can surely become a major issue. Unfortunately, humans can have a lot to do with pest infestations by our habits, often leading bugs right into our home. We break down the common reasons you could have a bug problem into your Florida home.

What Leads To Bug Problems In Your Home


Our leftover trash is dinnertime for pests! Pests, such as rats and ants, are all looking for a food source for survival and will often look to our trash cans for available food, creating a huge mess in the process. It’s important to secure your outside and inside trashcan with a tightly sealed lid and ensure your trash bags are sealed without rips or tears.

Excessive Moisture

Several pests prefer a damp environment and need water to survive too. Unfortunately, we also need water, and certain factors throughout our homes can provide pests with a water source, often leading to a bug problem. A leaky faucet can attract pests, like mice, who will return to areas if they have access to water or food. Make sure to check throughout your home for any leaky pipes, faucets, or AC units and repair them as soon as possible. Likewise, your basement  and crawlspace can often create excess moisture that can lead to fungus, bad air quality, and pest infestations. Utilize a dehumidifier to dry any wet areas and consider crawlspace enclosure to ensure no moisture is found.

Unnecessary Clutter

Clutter, such as old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes can provide several pests with the perfect environment. Decluttering and cleaning items out to eliminate hiding places will help prevent pests overall. Consider utilizing plastic storage containers with lids to store any items and elevating them off the ground. Additionally, avoid having clothes piled on the floor, as bugs like spiders are known to hide out in them.

Dirty Kitchen

Dirty dishes, food crumbs, and drink spills can attract pests like flies, ants, roaches, and more right into your home! After each meal, wash and put away your dishes to avoid these pests. Likewise, clean up any leftover spills and food crumbs off your floors, dining room table, and counter tops. Don’t forget to clean behind and under your kitchen appliances too as pests like to hide behind stoves and refrigerators to find a food source.

If you’ve noticed an increase of bugs throughout your Florida home, it’s best to call a pest control company near you. These professionals will provide you with a comprehensive pest control and prevention plan.

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