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If you’ve ever spotted a cockroach inside your home, you know how alarming it can be! Once these pests get inside the home, they can spread contamination and even trigger allergic reactions. The best way to deter roaches from your home is understanding the types of roach species invading and what preventative measures to place to avoid their infestation. Check out the 3 common roaches found in Florida and how you can prevent them.
These roaches are one of the largest roach species, getting up to 1.5 inches in length and even developing wings towards the end of their lifecycle! They have a reddish-brown body with a yellowish figure-eight pattern on the back of their head. You can often find them in basements, sewers, kitchens, and bathrooms looking for water and food to survive.
These roaches got their name from the two light brown bands that appear across its wings. The brown-banded roach prefers to have warmer, drier, and higher locations to inhabit, often being found in cabinets and even behind pictures! A good indication these roaches are inside your home is finding their egg cases in or underneath furniture.
Preferring warm, humid spaces, German cockroaches will often be found where humans eat, like kitchens. Often, you can find them around appliance motors, like refrigerators and dishwashers, for its heat. You can identify these roaches by their two dark brown stripes on their back and wings.
The best way to prevent roaches from invading your home is by placing preventative measures. Here are some easy, do-it-yourself roach control tips:
If you’ve noticed these roaches inside your home, it’s best to call your local pest control company to eliminate them. Pest professionals will inspect your home, identify the type of roach, and provide you with the best treatment plan.