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Each year, Northwest Exterminating teams plan First Responder Events in an effort to show our appreciation for all they do for us and our communities every day. With COVID-19 restrictions, we have been unable to celebrate and thank these men and women as we usually would, so the team got creative with a way to safely say thank you!
On January 26, Northwest hosted meals for any member of the Dalton Police Department at Dos Bros in Dalton, GA. The team invited the police department to stop by for an appreciation meal on Northwest by them simply showing their ID when entering the restaurant. We were thankful that Dos Bros welcomed the idea!
The work that the people do in the Dalton Police Department allows our families to thrive and live safely. We were grateful for the opportunity to show our appreciation and serve the department a meal. Thank you, Dalton PD, for all the work you tirelessly do in Dalton.