Bugs Heading Indoors Due to Rain

The recent rain has kept more than just human beings inside…it’s caused lots of pests to head indoors as well.  You may have seen an increase of bugs in and around your home or office where they are entering to seek shelter from the rain.

Easy steps to keeping pests out:

  • Eliminate possible entry points.  Check doors, windows, foundation, attic, and/or basement for places that could be used to gain entrance to your home.  Insects can enter into the smallest of spaces.
  • Seal cracks and crevices in and around the foundation and around pipes and electrical boxes.
  • If you don’t have screens on your doors or windows then it’s best to keep them closed.
  • Keep outside lights pointed away from your home.  Most species are attracted to light.
  • Clean up any spills immediately.
  • Seal and take trash out on a regular basis.
  • Check items brought into the home for pests.
  • Hire a reputable pest management company to do regularly scheduled services that will help in preventing insects, pest, and rodents from entering your home or office.



May's Pest of the Month – Mosquitoes

MosquitoesTake Back Your Yard!Don’t let mosquitoes suck the fun out of your Summer!


  • Breed in stagnant water such as ponds, marshes, drainage ditches, etc.
  • Can be found in almost every type of landscape on Earth except deserts and the Arctic.
  • Bite most often at dusk and dawn.




  • Eliminate areas of standing water around the home such as flower pots, bird baths, etc.  Mosquitoes only need about one half inch of water to breed.
  • Avoid outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.
  • Wear long pants and sleeves when outdoors whenever possible.
  • Use an insect repellant that contains DEET.
  • Call Northwest Exterminating for a professional inspection and treatment plan for breeding sites.

Enjoy your yard this Spring and Summer.  Call Northwest Exterminating for more information on our Green Mosquito Program!

Q & A: Is My Refrigerator Attracting Roaches?

Q: I have been cleaning and seems that every time I clean the kitchen there’s more and more cockroaches.  The owner from my apartment said it may be the refrigerator that is causing heat to attract more roaches.  Is this true?

overhead view of a German Cockroach A: It sounds like you may be dealing with a German Roach infestation. German roaches are found in apartment communities often and usually require multiple treatments, as well as, some sanitation to eliminate them. Roaches are attracted to water, food, shelter, and when it’s cold…heat.  It is common to find a concentration of roaches in and around the appliances.  They are attracted to places like the refrigerator but that is not the cause of the infestation.  We strongly recommend a pest service or inspection to identify the issue.  Call your pest control management company to come out and properly identify the source of the infestation.  Together, you and Northwest Exterminating can come up with the right solution for your home.

Q & A: Is My Refrigerator Attracting Roaches?

Q: I have been cleaning and seems that every time I clean the kitchen there’s more and more cockroaches.  The owner from my apartment said it may be the refrigerator that is causing heat to attract more roaches.  Is this true?

overhead view of a German Cockroach A: It sounds like you may be dealing with a German Roach infestation. German roaches are found in apartment communities often and usually require multiple treatments, as well as, some sanitation to eliminate them. Roaches are attracted to water, food, shelter, and when it’s cold…heat.  It is common to find a concentration of roaches in and around the appliances.  They are attracted to places like the refrigerator but that is not the cause of the infestation.  We strongly recommend a pest service or inspection to identify the issue.  Call your pest control management company to come out and properly identify the source of the infestation.  Together, you and Northwest Exterminating can come up with the right solution for your home.

Tips for Preventing Cockroaches

Smokey Brown CockroachBelow are 5 key tips to preventing cockroaches from moving into your home:

  1. Reduce the clutter in your home – By eliminating clutter you eliminate feeding and hiding spots for roaches and other pests.  It also allows you to see pests easier with clutter out of the way.
  2. Seal Cracks and Crevices in the Kitchen and Bathroom – Roaches hide out in cracks and crevices so by sealing them off, it prevents them from having a place to stay.
  3. Eliminate Moisture – Eliminating moisture takes away roaches and other pests water sources.  Fix leaky faucets and standing areas of water.
  4. Clean Messes – Wipe up spills and messes immediately.
  5. Empty Trash – Remove trash from house on a regular basis and place in a tightly sealed garbage can outside of the home.

If you have a cockroach infestation in your home, call a professional exterminating company to get rid of the cockroaches as soon as possible.

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