A pest control blog with helpful, home-healthy tips and information on all things pests. Trust the Mouse to protect your house!

What Attracts Daddy Long Legs?

What Attracts Daddy Long Legs?

Georgia is no stranger to household pests. One common visitor that many Georgians encounter is the daddy long legs, a unique arachnid that often finds its way into homes. In this blog post, we'll explore what attracts daddy long legs, how to identify them, reasons for...

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Dealing With A Ladybug Infestation

Dealing With A Ladybug Infestation

Ladybugs, with their vibrant colors and delicate appearance, are often seen as harmless garden visitors. However, when these charming insects decide to make your home their own, they can quickly turn from garden allies to household pests. In Georgia, ladybug...

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Winter Pests to Lookout for in Florida

Winter Pests to Lookout for in Florida

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean pests can’t invade your home! Unfortunately, there are several overwintering pests looking to your home to provide them with food, shelter, and water. Let’s breakdown the most common winter pests to lookout for at your Florida...

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Understanding Bed Bugs: How They Enter Your Home

Understanding Bed Bugs: How They Enter Your Home

Understanding what bed bugs are and how they can find their way into your home is the first step in preventing their unwelcome presence. Let’s go over how to properly identify bed bugs and the many ways they can make their way into your home. What are Bed Bugs? Bed...

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The Importance of Routine Pest Services in Florida

The Importance of Routine Pest Services in Florida

Purchasing and owning a home brings a sense of pride and responsibility for many Florida homeowners. A home is not only an investment but it’s the place where you can raise your family, so it’s crucial to keep it protected. Having a routine pest control service can...

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How To Manage Pantry Pests

How To Manage Pantry Pests

Pantry pests can be a persistent nuisance in Georgia homes, causing damage to food supplies and creating unsanitary conditions. In this blog post, we will explore the common pantry pests found in Georgia, how they infiltrate your home, effective ways to eliminate...

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We have service centers throughout Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina.


Service Centers: M-F 7:30AM - 5:00PM
Customer Care:  M-F 6:30AM - 5:30PM


CALL (888) 466-7849


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