A pest control blog with helpful, home-healthy tips and information on all things pests. Trust the Mouse to protect your house!

5 Ways To Keep Snakes Away

5 Ways To Keep Snakes Away

When it comes to living in the beautiful state of Georgia, there's no denying that the warm climate and lush landscapes come with their fair share of wildlife encounters. One of the most common and, for many, dreaded encounters is with snakes. While Georgia is home to...

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Common Spooky Spiders You’ll See This Fall in Georgia

Common Spooky Spiders You’ll See This Fall in Georgia

Spiders can be considered a year-round pest in Georgia but are in full force during the late summer and early fall months. This is due to the summer being a major time for spiders to reproduce. Luckily, most of the spiders you might encounter within your home are not...

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Keeping Rodents Away from My South Florida Homes

Keeping Rodents Away from My South Florida Homes

Rodents, like mice and rats, are searching for a place to call home and often look towards our Florida home for it. Once inside our homes, these critters can cause severe damage and be a health risk to our homes and families. Destroyed insulation, left behind...

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What Type of Centipede Is This?

What Type of Centipede Is This?

Centipedes are arthropods that will often make their way into your home. Although centipede means "100 legs," not every centipede actually has that many. Most centipedes prefer dark, damp spaces and are commonly found outdoors under rocks, logs, or piles of leaves....

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We have service centers throughout Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina.


Service Centers: M-F 7:30AM - 5:00PM
Customer Care:  M-F 6:30AM - 5:30PM


CALL (888) 466-7849


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