A pest control blog with helpful, home-healthy tips and information on all things pests. Trust the Mouse to protect your house!

What Pests are in My Home this Summer?

What Pests are in My Home this Summer?

Summer is a time of warmth, sunshine, and relaxation. Unfortunately, it's also a time when a variety of pests are most active. From ants and flies to roaches and centipedes, these insects can be a major annoyance and even a health hazard. Discover common summer pests...

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How to Avoid a Drywood Termite Infestation in South Florida

How to Avoid a Drywood Termite Infestation in South Florida

Florida is notorious for its termite problem, and drywood termites are a common termite species found in homes. These pests can cause considerable damage to our homes, leading to costly repairs. It's important for homeowners to understand the methods of preventing...

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How to Protect your Home from Termites this Summer

How to Protect your Home from Termites this Summer

Termites are a common pest that can wreak havoc on your home during the summertime. These tiny insects can eat through wood and other building materials, causing extensive damage to your property. Discover the signs of a termite infestation and our tips on how to...

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Preventing Common Rodents in South Florida

Preventing Common Rodents in South Florida

Common to the Florida area, rodents can cause significant damage to our homes by chewing on wires, destroying insulation, and contaminating our living areas. There are several types of rodents in Florida that homeowners should be aware of to properly prevent them from...

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How to Spot Centipedes and Millipedes

How to Spot Centipedes and Millipedes

Centipedes and millipedes are two common household pests that are often mistaken for each other. How can you tell them apart? How can you tell if they've infested your home? Learn the difference between centipedes and millipedes, along with tips to prevent both of...

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