A pest control blog with helpful, home-healthy tips and information on all things pests. Trust the Mouse to protect your house!

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Miami

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Miami

Dealing with mosquitoes is almost a year-round endeavor for Florida homeowners. Florida’s humid and hot weather is the perfect environment for these pesky insects to thrive. Unfortunately, we often deal with their itchy, irritating bites. So why do mosquitoes bite in...

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Effective Fire Ant Control For Your Yard

Effective Fire Ant Control For Your Yard

Fire ants, with their fiery stings and relentless mounds, can quickly turn your yard into a battleground. For Georgia homeowners, dealing with these aggressive pests is an ongoing challenge. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can regain control of your...

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5 Reasons Rats Are Entering Your Florida Home

5 Reasons Rats Are Entering Your Florida Home

Rats are practically year-round creatures in Florida, seeking your home for a warm place to nest and find a food source. Once these rodents find their way inside your home, they will reproduce quickly, making it difficult to remove them. Here is what attracts rats to...

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Service Centers: M-F 7:30AM - 5:00PM
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