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Ladybugs are beneficial insects but when they overwinter in your home they become a nuisance pest. They spend the warmer months of spring and summer growing their populations and like other overwintering pests, they seek warmth from the cold temperatures in fall and winter. Many seek shelter under rocks, leaves, or other items found in nature, then you have those that find shelter in homes and buildings.
Although typically harmless, ladybugs can aggravate asthma and cause allergic reactions in people. They can also emit a foul smelling, yellowish fluid that can stain surfaces.
Keeping ladybugs out of your home starts with the usual preventative pest management steps that we typically cover in our blogs: screen all windows, keep doors closed, door sweeps on exterior doors, and seal all cracks and crevices around the exterior of the home (windows, doors, pipes, etc).
If ladybugs have already found their way into your home, use a vacuum cleaner to clean them up. Empty the vacuum bag into a trash bag and make sure it is tightly closed. Discard of the trash bag in a sealed outside container. If you have a ladybug infestation, call a professional pest control company to evaluate, assess, and treat the problem. Call Northwest Exterminating for more on ladybug pest control.