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At Northwest, we put our customers first by honoring their time, health, investment, and trust in us. Some of our customers have been with us for years, allowing us the opportunity to build strong, ongoing relationships with them. It’s through a relationship with a customer since 2009 that the LaGrange office was able to come together and support her in a time of need after the loss of her husband.
Our teammates came together and purchased a fruit basket for Mrs. Jones because of her loss as just a small way to let her know we were thinking of her. She responded with a huge thank you and let our team know that she appreciates them being good to her over the years and for showing her love during this time of loss.
The LaGrange team was happy to show support for our customer. We were able to let Mrs. Jones know that we care about her and will always be there for her, aside from just pest control. We’re thankful for our teams like our LaGrange office, who, while it’s not part of their “job,” continue to keep their eyes open to serve our customers in way that keeps them first!