Keeping Pantry Pests Away

Keeping Pantry Pests Away

In recent times, we are finding ourselves spending more time at home and stocking up on supplies such as food, toiletries, and more. But as you stock up on these essentials, you could be providing stored product pests or “pantry pests” with a supply of their own. Here are a few tips to keep your kitchen free of these unwelcome guests:

  • Before you start adding any new grocery items, be sure to check existing open items in your pantry for signs of pantry pests to avoid spreading infestation.
  • Throw out any dry goods that have been left open and have gone bad. If they’re still in good condition, try and use the oldest items first before opening up the new ones.
  • Pantry pests, like Indian Meal Moths are attracted to items such as flour, oats, spices, and dry cereal. If you recently bought these items, be sure to inspect packages and confirm that they are all sealed properly. Once you open these items, look to store them in a plastic or glass container with secure lids, cutting off any access for pantry pests.
  • Rodentscan cause major health issues for you and your family. They are known to spread bacteria and viruses and, if their droppings build up within your cabinets, it can cause the air you breathe to become contaminated. To avoid a rodent infestation, try and keep your cabinets, pantries, and counters clean and free of crumbs and dispose of all expired foods.

If you take these precautions, you can easily avoid pests from raiding your pantry for all your stored groceries!

10 Ways to Get Rid of Pests

In addition to routine, professional pest control, here are 10 ways you can get rid of bugs.

1. Go around the exterior of your home and seal up any areas where insects could enter your home.  Check around windows, doors, plumbing entrances, fan vents, and electrical entrances.  If your home has window screens make sure they are intact and if areas are torn or damaged replace them.

2. Make sure to trim all hedges, trees, and other landscaping back away from the home.  Creating at least a one foot barrier will keep insects from using easy methods to enter or get close to your home.

3. Always remember that insects are living creatures just like humans and they need food, water, and shelter.  Inspect the perimeter of your home, as well as the interior, and pay close attention to areas that could potentially provide all three of these needed resources.

4. All food and beverages should always remain covered or sealed in air tight containers.  Following this simple step will eliminate the risk of insects being attracted to your home.  If you have fruit out in your kitchen make sure you eat it before it over ripens or store it in your refrigerator.  If food or drinks are dropped or spilled make sure that they are cleaned up immediately.

5. Routinely empty all the trash and place it outside in garbage cans with tight fitting lids.  All trash cans inside the home should also have lids.

6. Make sure to keep all pet food sealed in air tight containers.

7. Remove extra clutter from your home.  Get rid of items that are old and damaged and find a great charity to donate the rest.

8. Keep all doors and windows closed while not in use.

9. Make sure to change all your exterior lighting to low sodium vapor light bulbs.  Most insects are attracted to light but they are less attracted to low sodium vapor lighting.  Also make sure to point your security lighting away from your home and not directly on it.

10. Don’t Bring Them In!  Be careful whenever you travel, move, or bring home the groceries that you check everything before bringing it into your home.  Especially as it gets colder make sure to check and clean all your firewood before you bring it in your home.

When DIY Pest Control Isn't Enough

Not All DIY Pest Control Methods Are Effective

Thanks to the wonders of Google and Pinterest we can become experts, or at least knowledgeable, on just about anything these days.  Between YouTube videos and DIY blogs we’ve got a lot of information right at our fingertips without ever having to call a professional.  Pest control is no exception.

Although some DIY pest control methods are effective there are other times when it’s necessary to call in a pest control professional.  According to NPMA, “When a homeowner attempts to treat a pest problem on their own, they are often treating the ‘tip of the iceberg’, and not the root cause of the problem.  The pests you see might be eliminated, but a larger infestation can continue to grow out of sight. These infestations can pose significant health risks to your family and cause damage to your property.”

So when should you call in a pest professional?

The above situations can cause serious damage to property or put your health at risk.  By calling in the professionals they can properly identify and solve the issue and even help you with DIY tips to help avoid infestations in the future.

What DIY pest control methods have you tried that work?

Here’s a few DIY tips on our Pinterest board


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