Mar 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
Thinking About Selling Your Home This Spring? Start Preparing Now!
Spring is a popular time for listing your home. The yard is in pique performance, you have ample time before the kids are out of school for the summer, and people seem to enjoy getting out in the beautiful weather to search for their potential new home. Are you looking to sell your home this spring? Here are some tips on selling your home this spring:
- Find a Knowledgeable Realtor – Having a good Realtor on your side can make a big difference. Their expertise in marketing your property, showing your property, and working with other agents can make the selling process easier on you. Interview Realtors or ask for recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors.
- Take Care of General Maintenance – Cleaning out gutters, changing air filters, and having the HVAC system checked are all ways you can keep your home running efficiently. This will aid in the purchasing process and have huge benefits while you’re living in the home as well.
- Make Small Improvements – Replace old fixtures, re-caulk the bathroom, change the doorknobs, all of these are small improvements that can make a big difference in the look of a home.
- Complete Any Large Home Improvement Projects – While small projects are encouraged it is recommended to finish any large projects before listing your home. Paint, carpet, new landscaping are all things that you want completed before potential buys come to look at your home.
- Spring Cleaning – Spring cleaning can knock out the winter blues that may have sprung up in your home along with getting a deep clean. Need a spring cleaning checklist? Click here.
- Clean Out Storage – Take time to go through storage closets, basements, attics, and garages and throw out or donate any items that you no longer need or use. Not only are you making more room but you’ll also have less to pack when you move.
- Remove Clutter – Remove clutter from around the house. Potential buys don’t want to see bills lying around, laundry, or even extra knick knacks. The less clutter, the more eye appealing it is to a potential homeowner. This will also help you to clean up quicker when those last minute showings pop up!
- Research the Market – Know what else is out there. This will go hand in hand with Tip #1 because your Realtor should provide comparibles for you to view when choosing an asking price. It’s good to know what other homes are offering in the area and how your home stacks up.
- Get a Termite Letter – Although termite letters are no longer required according to the Purchase and Sale Agreement it may be required based on other factors. It’s also a great selling tool! Northwest Exterminating provides a warranty for the initial termite inspection that is transferable to the buyer with the first year free. For more information click HERE.
For information on Northwest services you can visit our website at Realtors please visit
Sep 23, 2013 | Uncategorized
Calling All Realtors!!
Did you know that you can request your termite letters online? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3!!
- Go to our website at
- Click on the button that says “Builders, Realtors, & Community Managers“
- Then click on the type of letter you would like to order!
After completing our online form, it goes straight to a Northwest Representative to get exactly what you need!
No more calling letters in, no more writing down the information and faxing it over…just visit us at
And while you’re there, make sure to visit our blog, our learning center, or our Pest ID page to learn more about pests that could effect your buyers/sellers or even you!
You can contact any of our Realtor Relations Team by going HERE.
May 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
Q: Is a Termite Letter Required to Sell A Home?
A: Technically, according to the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the termite letter is not required. However, it does depend on several other factors:
- Does the lender require it? (VA, FHA, etc. Some lenders do.)
- Based on the F13, “Protect Yourself When Buying A Home”, it is recommended that a termite inspection be performed. This is referred to in the F-20 or Purchase and Sale agreement.
- Under the Due Diligence Period, in the F20, it is the buyers responsibility for any and all inspections.
As a Realtor or home seller, a termite letter gives you a marketing advantage! The warranty for the initial termite inspection is transferable to the homebuyer with the first year free!
For more questions, contact our Realtor Relations Team. This team is dedicated to the needs of Realtors. If you are interested in obtaining a clearance letter CLICK HERE.