10 Fascinating Facts about Cockroaches

10 Fascinating Facts about Cockroaches

It’s no secret that cockroaches are thought to be one of the most disgusting pests.  They are known to carry up to 33 different kinds of bacteria that they spread around and contaminate food and surfaces.  Roaches are also responsible for causing allergies and triggering asthma attacks, especially in children.  Studies say that up to 5 million children are sensitive to cockroaches.

Behind the undesirable cockroach are many unique features.  Here are 10 Fascinating Facts about Cockroaches:

  1. There are 5,000 species of cockroaches in the world.
  2. It is believed roaches originated more than 280 million years ago.
  3. Allergies and asthma can be brought on by breathing in pieces of broken down cockroaches.
  4. Germans call the German cockroach the Prussian cockroach.
  5. The American cockroach likes alcoholic drinks, especially beer.
  6. Cockroaches can run up to 3 mph.
  7. A roach can live 1 week without it’s head.  It only dies because it can’t eat without it’s mouth.
  8. According to historical accounts, roaches have been used as medicines by grinding up and boiling them.
  9. Cockroaches like glue.
  10. Some females mate only once and remain pregnant for the rest of their lives.

For more fascinating facts on cockroaches visit our sources at NPMA and Hubpages.


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