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So long are the days of only having to worry that your kids may get head lice in school…you can now add bed bugs to that list. You’ve heard about the risk of bed bugs when returning back to college but now bed bugs are popping up in elementary, middle, and high schools.
Bed bugs are making their way into schools through back packs. And while they can’t be transferred from person to person, they can be transferred from back pack to back pack.
The good news is that bed bugs are NOT a sanitation issue and they do not carry diseases. Bed bugs are not a sign of a dirty home but they are very difficult to get rid of.
If you are notified that there may be a chance that your child’s back pack has been infested do not panic…there are things you can do to ensure that they are not brought into your home.
For more information on bed bugs visit the Georgia Department of Public Heath: