Sep 5, 2012 | Pest Control
With kids being settled back into the school year, September is the perfect time of year for Head Lice Prevention Month. Here are some tips on how to keep head lice from bugging your household:
- Avoid sharing clothing or other belongings that might have come in contact with lice or nits (lice eggs).
- Avoid head-to-head contact.
- Do not share hats, brushes, combs, hair accessories, helmets, coats, or other pieces that come in contact with someone’s hair.
- To disinfect combs, brushes, or towels that have come in contact with lice, soak them in hot water for 5-10 minutes.
- Avoid laying on linens, pillows, or carpets where someone with lice has recently been.
- Wash and dry clothing, linens, or towels that have come into contact with someone infected with lice during the 2 days prior to treatment. Wash and dry on the highest heat.
- Vacuum carpet and furniture where a person with lice has recently come in contact.
Using the simple tips above can help prevent the spread of lice from one household to another. For more information on preventing head lice visit the CDC’s website.
Other useful blogs about head lice:
September is Head Lice Prevention Month
School Has Started…So Has Lice