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Christmas has come and gone! You spent hours, maybe even days, decorating your house. You’ve enjoyed the decorations and now it’s time for the dreaded task of taking down the decorations and getting rid of the tree. But don’t just dump your tree out…recycle it. There are many locations and events throughout Georgia that will recycle your Christmas tree. There are options to drop off, curbside pick-up, and some programs that will give you free mulch or seedlings for your recycled tree.
One of the most notable programs is Home Depot’s “Bring One for the Chipper” event which is sponsored by Keep Georgia Beautiful. On January 7, 2012, bring your tree to your local Home Depot (most Home Depot locations participate) where Boy Scouts are on hand to help you unload your tree. The mulch from your Christmas tree will be used to mulch playgrounds, government projects, and individual yards. (If you would like the mulch from your tree to use in your own home project, download this form, complete it and fax it in.) Home Depot will give you a FREE seedling in return.
Join Northwest Exterminating in our efforts to protect our environment by recycling your tree.
Tip: Call your trash company to see if they will do curb side pick-up
Do you know of other places where you can recycle your Christmas tree?