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There’s nothing like jumping in the pool on a hot summer day (well, a day that feels like summer anyways)! So that is exactly what my family and I did on Saturday. We went to my in-laws’ house and jumped right in the pool. We had just begun to cool off and enjoy the water when we noticed we weren’t alone. There was a mole in the pool!!!
The mole was quickly removed without incident and the fun continued but of course my mother-in-law had lots of questions about what it was doing in her yard, how did it get there, what is was looking for, and how does she get rid of them. So mother in law…this is for you!
Moles are mammals that live underground and occasionally come to the surface. Above ground, they breathe in oxygen and are able to re-use it to survive in low-oxygen environments such as underground burrows. When they surface, they cause damage. Mole damage is divided into two types: burrows and mounds. Burrows occur when moles search for food near the surface, causing soil to be raised in ridges. Mounds are created when moles burrow deep or tunnel under solid objects such as tree roots or sidewalks and push the soil to the surface.
Moles’ bodies and front claws are ideal for digging. Their hands are quite large for their bodies and include an extra thumb and multiple joints in other fingers. There are situations where mole damage is mostly visual, but in other situations they can destroy root systems in your yard, eventually killing the grass.
Damage caused by moles:
The best way to get rid of a mole is by trapping or baiting the runs. The trick to mole extermination is to find the feeding tunnels vs. the travel tunnels. A professional animal removal service provider can distinguish between the two and can humanely remove the moles from your yard. Call Northwest Exterminating for mole removal.
What is the craziest thing you ever jumped in next to?