Bats are the only mammals that are actually capable of flight. However, what we consider to be wings are actually elongated fingers with a wing membrane attached. Bat wings are actually far more similar to human hands than they are to bird’s wings. Bats can be found globally, aside from in the extreme polar regions of the earth.  Additionally, in many places some species of bat are endangered, whereas others have populations numbering well into the millions.

Bats Range Map

There are 15 known bat species located in the state of Georgia. One of these species includes the Big Brown Bat, which is found throughout North America. These bats can be found anywhere, but prefer places where they can be well concealed such as under look bark, tree cavities or as many people are used to, inside caves.

Big Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat

Despite popular media, these bats, as well as 70% of the others, are insectivores and eat only insects including wasps, bees, flies and more.  Other species of bat include Mexican free-tailed bats, Eastern pipistrelle, the Gray bat, as well as many others. Bats may be by your home if you live in a heavily wooded area or have anywhere they can feel sheltered and well-fed. If you find yourself with unexpected neighbors, our Wildlife Services will come to your aid!

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