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Spider season is upon us! Chances are, you’ve seen a couple of these creepy crawlers in and around your home lately. While most of the common house spiders don’t pose any real threat to you and your family, they’re still considered unwanted houseguests by the majority of people. So why are you seeing spiders and how you can keep them out?
While spiders are active throughout the year, they’re more likely to come indoors in the late summer and fall months. Outdoor spiders usually reproduce in the Spring, so young spiders slowly mature through Summer and become adult spiders later in the year, making them more visible to us. As male spiders mature, they begin seeking a mate, which may be inside your home (eek!).
It’s also common to have a spider problem if you have pets. Why? Because people with pets usually have a yard and your pet’s playground can attract flies. Flies provide a food source for spiders, making them more likely to hang out around your home.
To find out what type of spiders you’re seeing, visit our Spider Learning Center.
Not all spiders are dangerous. And if you’re less creeped out by spiders than other common pests, like roaches, flies, and mosquitoes, then it may be best to coexist. Spiders will eat these pests…free pest control! They also eat other spiders, thereby reducing your spider population naturally.
On the other hand, spiders can pose certain risks to your family. If spiders feel threatened, they may bite…and spider bites can be painful and unpredictable. The reaction caused by spider bites is different for everyone, depending on the type of spider and the individual that’s bitten.
If you’re don’t like the idea of spiders hanging out around your house, there are a few things you can do to help prevent them from coming inside.
For more on spider pest control in your area, click on the links below.