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Spending time outdoors is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether it’s spending time by the pool, having a picnic, or just lounging in the yard, relaxing outside is a great activity for the whole family. But the last thing you want to have to deal with while spending time in your yard are mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can be a danger to your family and even pets as they survive by sucking blood from animals and humans. They are usually found in areas of high humidity looking for stagnant, standing water to breed. Luckily, there are ways you can prep your yard to prevent mosquitoes.
Remove Unnecessary Items
Since mosquitoes breed in standing water, it is essential to eliminate any items that could hold water. Items such as foundations, toy buckets, outdoor pet bowls, flowerpot sauces, tarps, pool covers, and more should not stay in your yard for a long period of time. It’s also important to remove excess grass, leaves, firewood, and yard clippings as mosquitoes tend to stay in grass and debris around your home.
Clean Your Gutters
Clogged gutters can not only create standing water but will also catch debris and leaves. This provides mosquitoes a perfect breeding location. Make sure that your gutters are clean and clear, especially after a thunderstorm. Consider installing gutter guards to help prevent clogs and clutter.
Fill Hollow Areas
Any low-lying areas like ditches can also collect standing water after rain or watering plants. Make sure to check around your yard that you don’t have these; if you do notice them you can simply fill them in with dirt. Additionally, check for any hollow logs and stumps throughout your yard. They not only can hold standing water but will also provide overwintering mosquitoes a place to hibernate during cold weather.
Maintain the Pool
If you have a well-maintained pool, mosquitoes will most likely avoid it. However, if a pool goes unused for a long period of time, these pests will be attracted to the stagnant water. Make sure to keep the pool maintained or covered if you’re planning to not use it for a while.
By utilizing these tips, you can start to enjoy your yard and worry less about mosquito bites! If you are still having an infestation of mosquitoes, it’s best to contact your local pest company to provide you with the best plan of action to eliminate mosquitoes. Request a Free Estimate now to get started.