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Our teachers have been presented a new challenge with the COVID-19 virus. They go above and beyond for our students and communities every day, and the Northwest Family is so thankful for all they do. The Stockbridge team wanted to find a small way to say thank you to the local teachers while still following safety guidelines.
The Stockbridge office worked together to help supply snacks for the Oak Hill Elementary teacher’s breakroom! With a teacher’s day filled to the brim, this was the team’s small way of letting them know they were thinking of them and all they do for our local community. Our Inspection Specialist, Brandon O., took the time to drop off the goodies for the whole team and was excited to thank the staff in person.
COVID-19 has presented challenges for how our teams usually work to support our local communities, and we are thankful for teammates like those in Stockbridge who know that small acts of kindness really does make a difference.