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At Northwest, we believe in making a difference. This is exactly what our Newnan service center did when they pursued the opportunity to serve their community. They came together and donated items to make Easter baskets. They were able to fully fill 16 baskets while donating all leftover items to be used in other baskets. These baskets included books, markers, crayons, coloring books, sticker books, eggs filled with candy, stuffed bunnies, bunny ears, and so much more.
They donated these baskets to Bridging the Gap, a nonprofit organization that provides food, clothing, and household goods to those struggling in their community. They have recently been a donation site to help those suffering from the tornado that hit their town. For Easter, Bridging the Gap partnered with local churches to come together and make sure that these children were still able to celebrate Easter.
While this past year has been tough for everyone, our Newnan team was so happy to help those in their community and continue the partnership created with Bridging the Gap. If you would like to learn more about how you can help, please visit Bridging the Gap’s website.