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Recently, our Good Deed Team helped make a difference as they volunteered their time at Atlanta Inner-City Ministry (AIM) Kids Camp. Our team partnered with the Youth Group of Grace Chapel and came together to bring lunch for the camp participants and volunteers. We provided sub sandwiches, chips, fruit, and drinks for around 65 people at the camp.
AIM as founded in 1989, and each summer, they partner with local churches and colleges to help provide the youth of the Lakewood Community and surrounding area with Kids Camps.
While the camp faced setbacks last year due to COVID-19, they were thrilled to be able to bring them back this year. We were so grateful to be able to support them by bringing lunch, and we’re also grateful to our Good Deed Team for continuing to look for small ways to make a positive impact. The camp is always in need of volunteers; if you would like to get involved, email Bo Davenport.