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By being in the people business, Northwest is always looking for ways to honor our customers. We put them first by honoring their time, health, investment, and most importantly, their trust in us. Our Newnan office recently demonstrated this when they put together a Thanksgiving basket for one of our veteran customers.
Mr. Alexander is a retired Navy veteran who had been with Northwest for years. He has always treated our teammates that service his home like family, and they wanted to do the same for him. The basket included comfortable socks, word puzzles, PJ’s, a Navy veteran coffee mug, slippers, and a heated blanket.
All of our Newnan team was happy to come together to support our customer. We were able to let Mr. Alexander know how much we care about him and that we will always be there for him, aside from just pest control. We’re thankful for our teams like our Newnan office, who, while it’s not part of their “job,” continue to keep their eyes open to serve our customers in a way that keeps them first and like the family they are to us!