The weather is still a bit chilly, but spring is just around the corner and that means more wildlife will be out and about. Just because they left your attic alone this past winter doesn’t mean they won’t be attracted to it for the springtime. This is the time of year they will be searching for shelter to bear and rear their young. They are well-adapted to urban life and will typically be attracted to homes to find a safe place to settle down. Let’s go over which animals it’s time to keep an eye out for:
- Raccoons: Raccoons are not aggressive towards people; however, they will attack if they feel cornered. They are known as scavengers and will mostly hunt for food at night. Being highly intelligent helps them to find their way into your attic, chimney, or under decks.
- Opossums: They begin breeding as early as January and will usually produce 2 liters a year. These nocturnal creatures are not aggressive but will hiss and show their teeth when scared. Opossums can cause damage if they enter your house, typically your attic.
- Skunks: These easy-to-spot (and smell) critters emerge form hibernation and become more active in the spring. They will usually give birth to their first litter in early to mid-spring. Skunks can cause damage to your home by burrowing under buildings.
Wildlife Prevention
Most wildlife creatures are generally harmless but can be problematic if they get inside your home. Wildlife control begins with prevention. Here are some handy tips:
- Keep windows locked and screened
- Clean gutters to prevent water pooling and potential nesting sites
- Trim tree branches and shrubs away from your home
- Block off any openings under porches, decks, patios, and garages with wire mesh or chicken wire
- Keep garbage stored in tightly sealed trashcans or use cans that latch close
If you suspect a problem with wildlife or other pests, give your local wildlife control company a call today for a free inspection!