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The humid, tropical weather of South Florida is the perfect climate for mosquitoes to thrive. These pesky pests are known to be a nuisance while we enjoy outdoors and to be a health risk. As summer approaches and the weather continues to get warm, it’s important for every homeowner to understand mosquito activity, the health risks they bring, and prevention tips to keep your family safe.
Mosquitoes are searching for standing water and a blood meal for survival. Standing water provides them a place to lay their eggs to allow larvae to develop, and they only need a small amount of water to do so. Likewise, these pests do feed on blood, but only female mosquitoes. Females bite and feed on humans so they can lay fertile eggs. While most mosquito species breed continuously, a female mosquito will typically search for a blood meal every two days to lay another batch of eggs.
Besides the itchy welt, there are many people who have been bitten by mosquitoes and experienced no side effects. However, these pests are known to be the cause of diseases. They will feed off a diseased host, leading to the spread of pathogens that can infect other hosts. In the United States, they are known to spread the West Nile Virus, dengue fever, and Eastern equine encephalitis.
There are several ways homeowners can deter these nuisance pests away from their yards. Check out our top do-it-yourself preventative measures to place in your yard to prevent mosquitoes from invading:
Implementing these preventative measures will always help to keep mosquitoes away, but sometimes it’s best to call a professional for extra support. These professionals will provide you with a thorough inspection, source reduction techniques, prevention methods, and treatment methods to eliminate both larvae and adult mosquitoes. Contact your local pest control company for a mosquito control quote.