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One thing about Florida: pests love to live here! Warm, humid climates make our state the perfect oasis for both humans and pests. While it’s inevitable to come across them, there are ways to prevent them from invading your home. Read more on the types of Florida pests to be aware of and how you can prevent them from ruining your fun in the sun!
Small, pesky, and will sneak into your home unnoticed, ants can become a major problem if they find their way inside. There are several types of ants popular to our area, including fire ants, carpenter ants, Argentine ants, and more. These ants may have different characteristics, but they all are looking for a water and food source to survive. You will often find these pests in your bathroom, kitchen, basement, or even utility room. While ants can be harmless, they are known to bite which can lead to allergic reactions such as itching or swelling.
Seeing a cockroach in your home is always alarming! Roaches, including the American roach, German roach, and brown-banded roach prefer to live in places such as sewers, trashcans, basements, and bathrooms, to seek food, shelter, and water for survival. Once these pests invade, it can be hard to remove them as they can multiple quickly. Roaches also carry bacteria on their bodies and feet and will spread unwanted germs when they walk across surfaces. They’re also known to trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks.
Ticks can not only harm humans but can also be harmful to our pets. These pests are extremely small and will latch and feed onto the blood of animals and humans. They can often be found in wooded or grassy areas, transmitting diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain fever. If you’ve been outside for a long period of time, you can often find them on your face, legs, armpits, belly, and in-between toes!
Dealing with a termite infestation at your home can be devasting, as they can cost thousands of dollars in repairs. There are two common termites in Florida: drywood termites and subterranean termites. Drywood termites prefer to live and nest in wooden structures or dry wood and do not need a water source. Signs of drywood termites include spotting their frass, which appear like sawdust, and located in piles near the infestation area. Subterranean termites need a water source and build their nest underground to obtain it. Signs that indicate a subterranean termite infestation include seeing their mud tubes along a home’s foundation or floor.
If you notice an influx of the pests listed above, consider reaching out to your local pest control company for help! These professionals will also provide you with free inspection and a treatment and prevention plan customized for your home.