The Macon office recently participated in the Macon Area Women’s Build, which was graciously organized by our Macon Office Manager. This initiative brought together 12 dedicated volunteers from Region 4, including the Good Deed Team Ambassadors, to spend a day making a difference at a local house in Macon. From cutting and nailing trim to hanging doors and painting, our team poured their hearts and skills into improving the lives of others. It was truly a fulfilling experience, working side by side for such a noble cause.

Macon Habitat for Humanity has been making a profound impact since its inception in 1986, completing its first house by 1987. Over the years, through unwavering collaboration with the Macon community, they have served over 120 families, providing them with safe and decent housing. Their dedication to building not just houses, but homes, resonates deeply with our team’s values of community and compassion.

This year’s Women’s Build marked the event’s 20th anniversary, drawing together 11 groups and nearly 200 volunteers throughout the month-long event in March. Corporate teams of women and men from various industries joined forces with their local Habitat affiliates, including Macon Habitat for Humanity, to sponsor, build, and dedicate homes. It’s inspiring to see the collective effort and commitment to empowering families and strengthening communities through homeownership. We are proud to have been a part of this incredible milestone and look forward to continuing our support for such impactful initiatives.

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