Dealing with mosquitoes is almost a year-round endeavor for Florida homeowners. Florida’s humid and hot weather is the perfect environment for these pesky insects to thrive. Unfortunately, we often deal with their itchy, irritating bites. So why do mosquitoes bite in the first place? And what are the best ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting us and taking over our yards? Let’s breakdown mosquito bites and easy do-it-yourself methods to prevent them.

Why do mosquitoes bite?

To obtain the protein to develop eggs, female mosquitoes will bite animals and humans. Female mosquitoes will locate a host by the carbon dioxide we exhale, heat, and even body odor. When a mosquito lands on your skin, it will use its proboscis or their long, needle-like mouthpart, to pierce your skin and suck your blood. While the mosquito is feeding, it will inject its saliva onto your skin, which can cause an allergic reaction and result in itchiness and swelling. Mosquitoes will bite and feed on blood until they have consumed enough and are full.

How can I avoid mosquito bites?

Depending on the person, mosquito bites can cause an allergic reaction and are also prone to spread disease, including the Zika virus, West Nile, and Encephalitis, so it’s important to take precautions before you go outside during peak mosquito season and maintain your yard to avoid their infestation. There are several do-it-yourself tips to prevent mosquito bites you can utilize:

  • Use mosquito repellent: Apply mosquito repellent containing DEET to your skin before going outdoors during peak mosquito time; make sure to rub the repellent on your skin instead of only spraying it.
  • Wear protective clothing: If you’ll be outside for a long period of time, consider wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants to cover your skin. Since mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, consider wearing light-colored clothing instead.
  • Use screens: Install screens on your windows and doors making sure they are in good repair during mosquito season.
  • Remove standing water: Mosquitoes use standing water to survive and breed. Remove any items that could hold water, especially after a rainstorm, such as toys, buckets, pet bowls, tarps, old tires, and hollowed logs or stumps.

Eliminating and controlling mosquitoes can feel like an endless battle during Florida’s spring and summer months, even with preventative measures in place. But you don’t have to battle mosquitoes alone! Contact the nearest pest control company for a thorough inspection, effective mosquito control plan, and recommendations on preventing mosquitoes in the future!

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