DIY Pest-Proofing for Fall Wildlife

DIY Pest-Proofing for Fall Wildlife

Fall is in full swing, and winter is just around the corner. We aren’t the only ones preparing to stay indoors longer than usual. Wildlife are also thinking about making their way inside. This typically means our homes could become refuge for the critters. There are a few wildlife creatures to look out for once it begins to get cooler – squirrels, raccoons, rodents, and more!

Most homeowners don’t think they have a wildlife problem, because they’ve probably never seen it with their own eyes. That isn’t the case. Most homeowners don’t notice the problem because most of the creatures are nocturnal and will only be active at night. The most common signs of a wildlife problem are:

  • Chew and gnaw marks around the attic, basement, or electrical wiring
  • Garbage cans and bags that have been broken into
  • Foul smells lingering around your home – could be urine or droppings
  • Scratching sounds coming from the attic or walls

DIY Wildlife Prevention Tips

Many homeowners don’t even realize the things they’re doing that attract wildlife into their homes. Here are some of the best ways you can prevent an infestation in your home this winter!

  • Close Access Points: Wildlife can enter your home through the smallest of openings. Make sure your home’s attics, vents, windows, chimney, and crawl space are secure. Seal any gaps and holes that can be considered entry points.
  • Secure Garbage Containers: Most of the wildlife mentioned above are known to eat just about anything. Outside garbage containers offer a multitude of food options and the best way to deter them is to secure trash can lids, avoid overfilling containers, and clean out the cans regularly.
  • Keep Trees and Shrubs Cut Short: When branches or shrubs are too close to your home, it gives squirrels, raccoons, and other critters easier access to your home. Keeping them cut short and away from your home will help cut the bridge of them getting inside.
  • Don’t Leave Food Near Home: This goes hand in hand with the garbage can, but another big invitation to wildlife is your pet’s food bowls. Avoid leaving them out overnight, especially outdoors. Another tip is to pick up any fallen fruit and protect gardens with a fence or netting to keep animals out.

If you begin to notice signs of wildlife in or around your home, be sure to reach out to your local wildlife control company and they can help determine the critter causing the issues and create a customized solution to get rid of them.

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