Why Do Centipedes Infest Homes?

Why Do Centipedes Infest Homes?

Centipedes are one of the most common household pests. Reaching lengths of 1 to 2 inches, these creepy looking critters also have 15 sets of legs. While it can be startling to find one in your home, they aren’t harmful to humans. They don’t carry disease, don’t damage homes, and don’t consume human food. They will, however, bite if they feel threatened, although this is rare.

Centipedes can be very beneficial to have around. In fact, they are considered a form of natural pest control. They feed on other pests, such as roaches, spiders, termites, and ants.

Centipedes come into our homes in search of dark, humid environments in which they thrive. They will also seek access to food sources (like other pests commonly found in your home).

Get rid of centipedes in your home by:

  • Controlling other pests. This is the #1 food source of centipedes. Maintain routine pest control both inside and outside your home to help keep them (and other pests) at bay.
  • Dehumidifying. Centipedes thrive in moist, humid environments. Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in your home.
  • Using bathroom fans. This is another way of reducing moisture in your home. Utilizing bathroom fans, especially when showering, helps keep things drier.
  • Sealing them out. Inspect the exterior of your home and seal any cracks or crevices with caulk, including doors and windows.
  • Cleaning up outside. Get rid of any piles of leaves or other debris that could be holding moisture around your home.

If you have a problem with centipedes or any other household pests, contact your local pest control company for an evaluation.

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