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Raccoons are common wildlife found around homes or anywhere they can find an available food source. Although they look cute and cuddly, they are very aggressive when cornered and can cause significant damage to your home and yard.
Raccoons mate in February and March and litters are born 60-70 days after. They have anywhere from 2 to 5 kits per litter. Young raccoons are fully weaned and independent from their mothers in the summer, which is why we often see more of them this time of year. Mother raccoons are finding food and new nesting sites for their newly independent babies.
Raccoons will nest high in trees and are often found in our attics and crawlspaces. They are omnivores and will feed on anything, often raiding our trashcans for a meal. In late summer, they increase their food intake to build up their fat layers for the upcoming winter months.
Raccoons cause damage by upending trashcans and spreading trash across our yards, leaving droppings behind that contaminate our homes, urinating in attics which contaminates insulation and can cause mold, chewing through wires causing fire hazards, and shredding insulation for nests which can lead to costly damages and increased heating and air bills.
You can prevent raccoons by: