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While fig whiteflies are relatively new to the South Florida area, they have noticeably begun to create severe damage to the plants around us. While these whiteflies are not harmful to humans, they can destroy our favorite tropical plants in our yard. Learn more about the whitefly and how you can prevent them from destroying your plants!
The Ficus whitefly their biology is still being studied by experts. What is certain about these pests is that they have an attraction to certain plants and their leaves. These pests will lay their eggs on the underside of leaves, hatching into a crawler stage. Once hatched, these crawlers will begin to feed on the leaves. As they feed, they emerge into adults and remain on the leaf. When these pests eat the leaves, they injure the host plant by drinking their juices, causing wilting, yellowing, and stunting. Whiteflies can affect a variety of plants such as Palm trees, mango trees, live oaks, Ficus trees, and more.
Noticeable signs that whiteflies have infested are a buildup of white, waxy substance on the underside of leaves. This substance can weaken the plants and eventually turn into black mold. Another common sign of an infestation is noticing that the plant leaves are gone or have become yellow. You can also look underneath the infested leaves for small, silver, or white spots dotted throughout.
While these pests can affect plants, they can also clog pools and leave their excrement on cars and outdoor patio furniture.
The best plan of action to prevent these pests is to closely monitor your plants for early signs of an infestation to get ahead of the damage. If you notice infested plants, trees, or hedges, look to trim them immediately. After trimming, bag the leaves to reduce the chance of spreading the whitefly.
If you feel whiteflies have taken over your property, consider reaching out to your local South Florida pest control provider, who can provide you with the best treatment plan to help prevent and eliminate these pests.