Mouse Control

The house mouse is a small, slender rodent, weighing 0.5 to 1 ounce, with relatively large ears, and a pointed snout. The tail is as long as the head and body together, and coloration varies from light to dark gray. Droppings are rod shaped and inch in size or less. The house mouse can subsist without a free water supply and generally maintains a territory 10 to 30 feet in size.

A difficult mouse problem generally calls for the use of snap traps or glueboards. Use traps in large numbers wherever you find droppings, food sources, and signs of gnawing. Traps should be placed perpendicular and close to the wall, behind furniture, and behind or to the side of large appliances. A line or concentration of droppings is usually an indication of a rodent runway; mice repeatedly travel back and forth across the area, and this runway is an excellent location to place traps. Also, look for openings in the wall behind stoves and under dishwashers or adjacent cabinets, these are frequently entrance points for rodents; traps placed to either side of the opening can give quick results. Drop ceilings are also a very common area for rodent runways. In a drop ceiling, mice will travel along under ducts and near electrical lines as well as the walls.

Exclusion work on the exterior should be done with copper or steel wool, foam, and small wire mesh. A mouse can squeeze through an opening the size of a dime, so a technician will want to seal entrance points thoroughly. Proper weather stripping and exterior doors that close tightly will reduce both insect and rodent problems.

At Northwest Exterminating, our inspectors will do a thorough inspection to determine a plan to control mice in your home. Mouse control is covered under our NorPest Green Pest Control Program. Call us today – 888.466.7849 – or click here to schedule a free inspection.


Bennett, G. W., J. M. Owens, and R. M. Corrigan, Trumans Scientific Guide to Pest Control Operations 5th edition Cleveland, OH: Advanstar Communications, 1997. 329-331 pp

What's the buzz on Carpenter Bees?

Northwest Exterminating representatives get a lot of questions this time of year regarding carpenter bees in Atlanta. So we thought this information would be helpful to find out exactly what the buzz is on this type of bee. Carpenter bees get their name from their acts of boring themselves into wood to makehomes for raising their young. They are similar in looks to a bumble bee, only without the distinct yellow body markings that bumble bees have.

Carpenter bees live in nests or colonies during winter months and come out during spring to feed on nectar. During spring is when mating begins and continues into nest-construction months (the winter months). Unfortunately for us, they dont always go back to their old colonies and normally bore entirely new homes.

The female typically bores the holes in wood for a distance of her body length and then takes a right angle turn. A new gallery averages 4-6 but can be up to 10 feet if more than one bee lives there. This process is repeated until there are 5-6 linear cells, creating 1 cell per day. Although carpenter bees will nest in a large range of woods, they prefer weathered and/or unpainted wood.

Male carpenter bees can be territorial and become aggressive when approached. However, they have no stinger so it is all for show unlike the females that have a potent stinger that is rarely used.

To control carpenter bees, each gallery should be treated individually. Keep note that carpenter bees rarely make galleries in painted wood. They can be deterred by painting wood or applying an appropriate repellent to the wood.

Source: NPCA: Field Guide to Structural Pests

Beat Georgia's Heat and Start Saving Money!

Looking for a way to save on energy costs while still keeping comfortable temperatures in your home? The Department of Energy recommends properly insulating your home: Energy Savers: Attic Insulation.

Northwest Exterminating can help with TAP – Thermal Accoustical Pest Control Insulation. What makes it different from other insulation products?

1. It’s a loose-fill cellulose insulation that is composed of 87% recycled newsprint.

2. It provides permanent pest protection in your attic.

3. It acts as a sound barrier…outside noise is minimized while inside noise stays inside.

4. It’s Energy Star Rated…install TAP before December 31, 2010 to take advantage of the 30% tax credit, up to $1500!

5. You’ll feel noticeable temperature differences in your home right away. If you live in Georgia, your AC is probably running ALL the time and still not keeping your house as cool as you would like. TAP keeps the hot air out and the cool air in…without your HVAC system having to work overtime. This will also reduce your energy cost by up to 30%!

Call Northwest today – 888.466.7849 – and start saving money!

2nd Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser

On August 7, 2010Northwest Exterminatingwill be hosting our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser at Fox Creekin Smyrna, GA. Like last year, we will be raising moneyin honor ofRyan Bloyd. In September 2008, Ryan contracted a blood infection which caused a brain aneurysm to rupture, followed by a stroke.Ryan was in a comafor six weeks at Emory University Hospital’s Neuro ICU, he was given about a 20% chance to survive and a 10% chance to walk again. We are pleased to say that Ryan is working part-time at Northwest Exterminating and making great strides in his recovery.

Speech continues to be Ryan’s biggest challenge. Because of the support Ryan received from last year’s golf tournament, he was able to attend the Steps Forward intensive speech therapy facility in St. Pete. This provided the breakthrough that Ryan needed for continued progress in his language and speech abilities. When he returned from Florida, Ryan immediately began speech therapy in Altlanta. This will continue as well as reading and writing tutoring.Speech therapy will be part of Ryan’s life for some time, but the rewards are great.

We would love it if you could come out and help us raise money!

Title Sponsor – $2,000

Premier Sponsor – $1,000

Foursome w/ Hole Sponsorship & 4 golf shirts – $600

Tee Hole Sponsor – $150

Individual Player – $100

7:30 am Breakfast

8:00 am Shot Gun Start/Four Man Scramble

Auction and Lunch

Please contact Christie Lautsh at 678.383.1072 or email at [email protected]

Fox Creek

1501 Windy Hill Road, Smyrna, GA

Pests: Silverfish

Silverfish arent just a problem that we experience in the Southeast; they are common all over of the United States. Silverfish are known for their silvery scales and leave feeding marks such as holes, notches along edges or surface etchings.

Silverfish prefer to hide during the day in tight cracks or crevices in any room in the house. Although they can survive weeks without food or water they will travel some distance for a source of food. Once they find a food source they tend to stay near it.

The key to controlling silverfish is identification. Find out where they are coming from or what they are attracted to. Once infestation is found, selection of appropriate pesticide and formulation are key to getting rid of these pests. Since they like damp, musty areas, regular vaccuming and dustingcan behelpful. Treatment outside the home (mulch beds, under shingles) and inside the home (bookshelf crevices) are necessary to control the infestation.

Northwest Exterminating offers a GREEN solution for your pest control needs, including silverfish. Call us today if you have any questions about silverfish or any other pest or termite needs.

Source: NPCA: Field Guide to Structural Pests

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