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Northwest Exterminating has been servicing the Atlanta area for over 60 years. In the past 60 years, we have seen the industry grow to be more environmentally friendly while protecting homes and businesses from pests. During this growth, we have proven to be the leader of green pest control. NorPest Green is a program that was developed exclusively by Northwest Exterminating to get rid of pests while maintaining the lowest environmental impact possible.
NorPest Green is a customized program that utilizes only the most innovative and advanced products and equipment available. Our products’ active ingredients are derived from flowers, plants, and natural elements from the earth. No harsh chemicals. And just as effective as traditional pest control.
Check out our latest commercial that features some of the benefits of using Northwest Exterminating and NorPest Green to get rid of your pests. Not to mention that the cute factor in this commercial is OFF THE CHARTS
For your termite, mosquitoes, and pest control needs Trust the Mouse to Protect Your House. Call Northwest Exterminating for your FREE inspection.
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