Roaches are often referred to as waterbugs. These bugs enter homes and commercial kitchens in search of food, water, and shelter.
- Enter through cracks and crevices
- Enter by way of boxes, containers, etc.
- Commonly found in areas with water such as kitchens and bathrooms
Different Species
- American Cockroach
- Smoky Brown Cockroach
- Brownbanded Cockroach
- German Cockroach
- Oriental Cockroach
- Cockroaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens
- Cockroach allergens trigger allergic reactions
- Have shown to cause asthma in children
- Pick up germs while crawling though decaying matter or sewage and carry those germs onto foods or other surfaces
- Reduce moisture by fixing leaky drains and pipes, properly ventilate basements and crawlspaces
- Brush all firewood before bringing it into your home – many insects lay eggs on firewood
- Clean kitchen counters regularly of spills and crumbs
- Clean dishes immediately after use
- Vacuum often
- Keep garbage in sealed containers and dispose often
- Keep food seals and stored properly
- Seal cracks and crevices that roaches could use as entry points into a structure