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Each warm season brings questions from homeowners and pet owners regarding ticks. We worry about our furry family members and ourselves if we plan on spending time outdoors, especially in or around wooded areas.
The brown dog tick is one species of tick that should be cause for concern, especially for those who have dogs. Although they feed on a wide variety of mammals, dogs are their preferred host. These ticks are unique in that they can complete an entire life cycle indoors. They feed on the host for about a week before dropping off and laying their eggs…up to 5,000 eggs!! After she’s done laying her eggs, she dies. The full life cycle of a brown dog tick lasts just over two months and generally are long living creatures.
Tick Life Cycle – Source
A brown dog tick infestation can develop in high quantities and very quickly. Oftentimes, ticks go unnoticed on dogs until the ticks are spotted throughout the home.
To protect your home and your dog from brown tick infestation, here are some brown dog tick control tips:
For more detailed information on the brown dog tick, visit