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Purchasing and owning a home is a serious investment for every homeowner. Ensuring that it’s aesthetically pleasing, in good repair, and healthy is at the top of our minds. The last thing we want to deal with is a pest infestation, though it’s likely to happen from time to time. While spotting one or two pests is not usually a big deal, if the problem becomes bigger than we can handle, it could be time to call an exterminator. Check out our top 5 signs that it’s time to contact your local South Florida pest control company.
Finding rodent droppings is one of the first indications that a rat is inside your home. Rat droppings are found in dark, undisturbed places in the home, including basements, attics, or crawlspaces. If these creatures find their way inside, they can cause serious destruction, such as chewed electrical wires that can lead to house fires. They’re also known to carry diseases, putting your family’s health at risk.
Nests are usually found in basements, attics, or even old cabinets. Pests such as mice, birds, or rats will nest in your home to find a safe place to search for a food source, keep warm, and breed. Finding a nest usually means that the pest population inhabiting your home is getting larger.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to scratches, tapping, or squeaking coming from the walls or attic? No, you are not in a horror movie, it’s an indication of a rat, rodent, bird, or termite infestation. These sounds can follow with strange, alarming smells such as the pest’s droppings or urine.
If you start to notice your home or the items in your home are damaged, it’s a sign that pests have snuck in. Spotting chewing or gnawing marks on our furniture, clothes, or walls indicates that rodents such as rats or mice are inside. Ants and termites are likely to destroy wood throughout the home, affecting your home’s structural integrity. Other pests, such as bed bugs, will often eat our bedsheets and mattresses.
Many pests can be easily removed or controlled through some do-it-yourself pest control. But, sometimes, as much as we try to remove these pests ourselves, it might be time to call in the professionals for routine pest control service. Pest Control includes a thorough inspection of your home, pest identification, locating pest entry points, and ongoing treatment and pest prevention. Request a free pest control estimate now to get started.