Summer is a wonderful time of year to enjoy outdoor activities, but it’s also the season when termites are most active. Termites are known for causing extensive damage to homes and properties, and they can quickly become a costly problem if left unchecked. To properly prepare for a termite-free summer, follow these termite control tips.

Conduct a Home Inspection

The first step in preparing for a termite-free summer is to conduct a thorough home inspection. Look for signs of termite activity, such as mud tubes, wings, and damaged wood. If you find any evidence of termites, contact a pest control professional immediately.

Eliminate Moisture Sources

Termites are attracted to moisture, so it’s important to eliminate any moisture sources in and around your home. Fix any leaks in your plumbing or air conditioning system, and make sure your gutters are clean and functioning properly.

Keep Wood Away from Your Home

Termites are attracted to wood, making it crucial to keep any wood or wood-based materials away from your home’s foundation. This includes firewood, lumber, and any wooden structures such as decks or fences.

Use Termite-Resistant Materials

When building or renovating your home, consider using termite-resistant materials such as concrete, metal, or pressure-treated lumber. These materials are less attractive to termites and can help prevent infestations.

Schedule Regular Pest Control Services

Regular termite control services are an essential part of preventing termite infestations. A termite control professional can help identify and eliminate any termite activity in and around your home, as well as provide preventative treatments to keep termites at bay.

Get ready for termite season by giving your local termite control company a call today!

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