Lawn Diseases

During this time of year, you may notice that your lawn isn’t as green as the grass on the other side. Have no fear, Northwest Lawn Care services can provide diagnostics to let you know what’s going on beneath the surface of your lawn. For the most part, the summer months can mean very green lush grass, but the same warm temperatures might permit infections in your lawn. Way may seem like an unfortunate eye sore to you, may be one or more lawn diseases interrupting your summer plans.

Brown patch

This is a very prevalent disease that may make you think your lawn isn’t getting enough water and treatment. In actuality, this results due to moist, hot weather or over-fertilized lawns. This is active when grass remains wet at temperatures between 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s important to improve aeration and drainage on such lawns by watering deeply and infrequently, mowing high and removing excess thatch.

Brown Patch

Brown Patch

Fairy Rings

Despite what their name suggests, fairy rings are not due to Tinkerbell and her friends dancing across your yard. Rather, patterns of circles of mushrooms or unusually lush grass are due to soil exhaust forcing nutrients to the outer edge of dying mycelium. Your only choice in this instance is to dig up the affected area and use lawn treatments in order to make this area less visible.

Fairy rings

Fairy rings

Summer patch

This disease grows as a result of a fungus that infects and destroys grass roots. It mostly affects gross growing in a sunny, hot lawn. The grass will begin as wilted, dark green and eventually turn straw brown. The most effective means eliminating this is using preventive measures that Northwest Lawn Care provides.

Summer patch

Summer patch


If you are interested in learning about more lawn diseases, please visit the link below. If there are any that you feel affect your lawn, please contact Northwest Lawn Care and schedule an appointment today!


Most Annoying Bug: The House Fly?

If there was an award for “Most Annoying Bug” there is a good chance that the house fly would win!!  House flies are the most common type of fly found in and around homes.  The adults usually live between 15-25 days but when they’re flying around your head or your food…even 15-25 seconds is too long.

House flies don’t cause damage to your property and they don’t bite but they are known to transfer over 100 diseases including malaria, salmonella, and tuberculosis.  They transfer diseases and contaminate our food when they land on food and other surfaces.  So not only are they annoying but they are a sanitary issue too!

The best way to get rid of flies and ensure that they stay away is to keep things clean!

Preventing House Flies:

  • Keep surfaces clean and wipe up spills immediately.
  • Take out the garbage regularly and be sure that trash bags and receptacles are well sealed.
  • Clean up waste, including pet waste, in yard.
  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent entry.  If open, use fine mesh screens.

Want more information on flies?  Click here!


Heartworm Heartache

Nobody likes mosquitoes! Especially, your four-legged friends. Besides being just plain annoying, mosquitoes carry many diseases that affect both humans and animals.  Heartworms are among the diseases that are carried by mosquitoes and can be a horrible disease for your furry friend to contract. The key to mosquito protection is prevention.

A heartworm is a parasitic worm that lives in the heart and lungs of an infected animal. The worms travel through the bloodstream, damaging arteries and vital organs as they go, finally finishing their trip to the lungs and heart about six months after the initial infection. Several hundred worms can live in one dog for up to five to seven years. Heartworm disease can be fatal and should be taken seriously.

Mosquitoes carry heartworms and transmit them from animal to animal.  The life cycle of the heartworm is intricate. An animal must have at least two heartworms (a male and a female) in order for female heartworms to reproduce.

Struggled breathing, coughing, vomiting, weight loss, weariness, and fatigue after only moderate exercise are signs of heartworm infestation. However, some dogs exhibit no symptoms at all until late stages of infection. Heartworm treatment can be very expensive for you and very painful for your precious pet. This is why it is so important to have your pet examined by a veterinarian on a regular basis and to keep them on a preventative plan. Heartworms do not discriminate – any dog can get infected. And while it is less of a threat to cats, they can still get heartworms as well.  So keep your feline friend protected too!

Turn your mosquito magnets into mosquito repellants with Northwest Exterminating Mosquito Control!

Has your pet ever been heartworm positive?

DIY Flea Treatment

It is a common misconception that if you don’t have animals in your home that you can’t get fleas…FALSE. Fleas can be an issue in homes both with and without pets. They often attach themselves to rabbits, skunks, possums, and other rodents or wildlife that can be found living in wooded areas around a structure. Their 6”-8” vertical jump gives them the ability to attach themselves to humans and animals.

The thought of fleas creates a sense of uneasiness…and with good reason; fleas can carry several diseases like plague, tapeworm, and murine typhus that effects humans and pets alike. Flea prevention is much easier and less expensive than flea treatment.

Flea Prevention Tips:

  • Clean your home regularly – Regular cleaning prevents fleas and many other pests from being attracted to your home. Make sure that spills and crumbs are cleaned up quickly, vacuum floors and upholstery*, and wipe down counters and furniture. Regular maintenance will make a huge difference against pests. (*Immediately empty, seal, remove, and dispose of the vacuum bag outdoors for your trash provider to retrieve.)
  • Wash and treat pets – Bathe your pets on a regular basis. Wash any bedding the pet is allowed to sleep on. Treat your pets with flea prevention by taking them to your veterinarian, the groomer, or using over the counter medication. When cleaning, special attention should be paid to areas where pets often spend time.
  • Shampooing carpet – Shampooing carpet can be more beneficial than vacuuming alone.
  • Keep out wild animals – Wild animals such as rodents and opossums should be prevented from entering the structure and appropriately trapped.
  • Wear light colors when outdoors – Wearing light colors enables you to spot fleas more easily.
  • DEET – Apply DEET, an insect repellant, when outside.
  • Make a fashion statement – Wear long pants and hiking boots when you are outside. It is also best to tuck pant legs into your socks. A look that your neighbors will surely follow!

Do it yourself flea treatments can be effective. However, we would like to warn you that flea exterminating is a difficult task and more often than not should be done by a professional exterminating company like Northwest Exterminating. When getting rid of fleas yourself, keep in mind that fleas can lay up to 50 eggs per day. Only 5% of the flea population is on your dog or other household pets, the rest have fallen off in and around your home.

DIY Flea Treatments:

Disclaimer: Northwest Exterminating does not encourage the use of the following treatments. We strongly recommend that all instructions are carefully followed on packaging of the following products and hold no liability for the following DIY treatments. Please contact a doctor, veterinarian and a professional pest control company before trying any of these treatments.

  • Borax powder – Sprinkle borax powder on your carpet (always do a test patch before treating your whole carpet) and let sit for approximately 24 hours. Vacuum and immediately seal and dispose of vacuum bag. Repeat until fleas are gone.
  • Water & Dish Soap – Put ½”-1” of water in shallow dish with a squirt of liquid dish soap. Put the dish directly under a lamp or some other form of light. The fleas are drawn to the light and heat which causes them to jump in the water. The soap makes it difficult for the fleas to move and they will eventually drown. Do this for several days until there are no new fleas found in your dish. Continue for a few days to make sure they are gone. Placing several soap and water dishes around the home where fleas are suspected gives you a better chance of getting rid of the fleas faster.

If you have tried DIY flea control methods without any luck, a pest control professional is your best option. A good exterminating company will be knowledgeable about flea prevention and treatment and should treat your home until fleas are gone.

If you’re looking for flea control in the Atlanta, Savannah, Nashville, or Columbus areas Northwest Exterminating is your best choice. Visit us at or call at 888.466.7849

Have you tried any of these DIY flea treatments?

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