Do Florida Hurricanes Cause More Pests?

Do Florida Hurricanes Cause More Pests?

Hurricanes are bound to happen, especially in Florida. These natural phenomena can cause severe damage to our community, homes, and the environment around us. Unfortunately, hurricanes will also affect pest activity, as homeowners might see the emergence of even more pests. After a hurricane, we will often experience a population increase of pests that thrive in warm, moist environments. Check out our list of pests to look out for after a hurricane and what you can do for hurricane pest control.


One of the most common pests that emerge after a hurricane is mosquitoes. The water that’s left behind by the storm will provide the perfect breeding ground for these pests. While mosquitoes are a nuisance, they can spread diseases such as the West Nile virus, Zika virus, and dengue fever. To prevent these pests, remove objects that can collect rainwater, including toys, buckets, tarps, old tires, and more. Likewise, look to remove all leaves and yard debris to keep mosquitoes from invading your yard.


Other pests that will emerge after a hurricane are ants. When an area becomes flooded, it forces ants to seek out a new place to inhabit, often leading them to our homes. Ants, such as fire ants, pavement ants, and carpenter ants, can all be difficult to control, as they can establish their new colony quickly and are highly adaptable. To keep ants from invading your home after a storm, seal all cracks or gaps found on the interior and exterior of the home. Remove and clean up any food source that may attract ants inside.


Cockroaches will thrive in the aftermath of a hurricane. A home or building that’s flooded provides the perfect environment for these pests, where they can settle, breed, and multiply. Roaches are known to carry diseases and even trigger allergic reactions. To deter roaches from your home, eliminate as much moisture as possible by regularly checking for leaky faucets or sinks. Take the trash out on a regular basis, placing it in a tightly sealed trashcan with a lid.

Hurricanes can have a significant impact on our environment and the activity of household pests. Utilizing hurricane pest control measures throughout your home before a hurricane or rainstorm will help to prevent a full-blown pest infestation. If you’re still seeing pests after taking precautions, it could be time to contact your local pest control company for help. These professionals will inspect your home, identify the pest, identify areas of entry, and provide you with a treatment and prevention plan that’s fit for your home.

Common Pest Problems After a Miami Hurricane

Common Pest Problems After a Miami Hurricane

Miami, Florida is known for its beautiful beaches, lively city, and hurricanes! Unfortunately, hurricanes can bring in an influx of certain pest problems that can cause significant damage and be a nuisance. Check out the common hurricane pest problems that you could see after a storm and how to prevent them.

Common Pests After a Hurricane

Check out the most common hurricane pests you could see after a storm which include:

  • Mosquitoes: Standing water left behind by the storm will become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Items that hold water are a huge attractant to these pests, including toys, overturned trash lids, bird baths, flowerpot sauces, and more.
  • Cockroaches: Flooded areas are an ideal living environment for cockroaches to inhabit as they prefer damp climates and areas. Likewise, once they invade, it can be difficult to control them as they reproduce at a rapid pace.
  • Termites: Flooding and moisture can weaken the structure of homes, making them more susceptible to termite infestations. Termites will cause significant wood damage and destroy the structural integrity of your home by eating it from the inside out.
  • Rodents: These wildlife creatures will seek out damaged or flooded areas. Rodents, such as rats, carry many diseases and can cause damage to your home, including chewed electrical wires and destroyed insulation.

Preventing Pests Before a Hurricane

Taking precautions before a hurricane or storm arrives is the best way to prevent hurricane pests from invading your home. Check out our top pest prevention tips:

  • Keep your gutters clear of debris and standing water
  • Place wood debris and tree stumps away from your house.
  • Keep your home clutter-free by removing any old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.
  • Eliminate standing water around your home by checking for any leaky faucets, pipes, sinks, and appliances.
  • Remove any items from your yard that can collect water, such as toys, buckets, old tires, tarps, etc.
  • Seal up any cracks and holes outside of your home, including the areas where utility and pipes enter.
  • Ensure your vents are screened and any gaps around your windows and doors are sealed.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated it at least 5 inches off the ground.
  • Keep your home clutter-free by removing any old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes.

If you’ve seen an increase in pest activity after a storm, it could be time to reach out to your local pest control company for a thorough inspection and treatment plan.

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