Common DIY Ways to Prevent Rodents in South Florida

Common DIY Ways to Prevent Rodents in South Florida

Rodents, including rats, mice, and squirrels, look indoors for a place to nest and food. Once these wildlife creatures get inside your Florida home, they can wreak havoc, destroying insulation, chewing electrical wires, and contaminating food. Prevention is critical when it comes to protecting your home against rodents, especially as the weather cools down and they begin looking indoors for shelter. Check out our rodent prevention tips below.

Florida Rodent Prevention Tips

Start Rodent Prevention Outside

Rodent Prevention Outside
Your yard is the first defense against rodents, making it essential to place outdoor preventative measures to deter them away. Consider these DIY tips:

  • Remove potential nesting sites such as leaf piles and deep mulch
  • Fix gaps in trailer skirting and use flashing around the base of your home
  • Keep outdoor cooking areas and grills clean
  • Remove any old tires, vehicles, etc. From your property
  • Elevate woodpiles, hay, and garbage cans at least 1 foot off the ground
  • Keep your garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids
  • Seal holes or gaps outside of your home with steel wool or metal sheeting

Keep Tidy Indoors

Keep Tidy Indoors
Your home can provide the perfect place for rodents to inhabit, so removing those attractants from inside your home will help keep these creatures out. You can do this by:

  • Clean up leftover food crumbs and spills after each meal
  • Store food in plastic or metal containers that have tight-fitting lids
  • After cooking, wipe down your stovetop and countertops
  • Wash your dirty dishes and put them away after each meal
  • Keep your home decluttered by removing old newspapers or magazines and storing items in plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes
  • Regularly vacuum, sweep, and dust throughout your home
  • Remove excess water from inside by fixing any leaky pipes and keeping your attics and crawlspaces dry

Consider Professional Help

If you suspect rodents are inside your home, it’s important to reach out to your professional pest control company. These professionals will be able to inspect and identify the rodent that’s invaded your property. They will also be able to safely remove these creatures, identify areas of entry, and provide a rodent control and prevention plan for your home to avoid further infestations.

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