Bats Found in the State of Georgia

Bats are the only mammals that are actually capable of flight. However, what we consider to be wings are actually elongated fingers with a wing membrane attached. Bat wings are actually far more similar to human hands than they are to bird’s wings. Bats can be found globally, aside from in the extreme polar regions of the earth.  Additionally, in many places some species of bat are endangered, whereas others have populations numbering well into the millions.

Bats Range Map

There are 15 known bat species located in the state of Georgia. One of these species includes the Big Brown Bat, which is found throughout North America. These bats can be found anywhere, but prefer places where they can be well concealed such as under look bark, tree cavities or as many people are used to, inside caves.

Big Brown Bat

Big Brown Bat

Despite popular media, these bats, as well as 70% of the others, are insectivores and eat only insects including wasps, bees, flies and more.  Other species of bat include Mexican free-tailed bats, Eastern pipistrelle, the Gray bat, as well as many others. Bats may be by your home if you live in a heavily wooded area or have anywhere they can feel sheltered and well-fed. If you find yourself with unexpected neighbors, our Wildlife Services will come to your aid!


Wildlife ControlChanging temperatures means changes in the types of pest you may see around your area. One of the reasons you may soon see certain pests less is because of hibernation. Hibernation is a period of inactivity in animals during which they experience lower body temperatures, slower breathing and lower metabolic rates. Most people think that hibernation is just an animal sleeping but it’s more about the animal conserving energy during winter when food supplies are limited.

To prep for hibernation, animals spend the autumn foraging for food, which means they might be around or even inside your home searching for a treat! Animals that spend the autumn prepping for hibernation include bats, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, and bears. In addition, cold-blooded critters hibernate too because the cold weather causes their body temperatures to drop. These animals include bees, earthworms, frogs, toads, lizards, turtles, snails and snakes. You won’t have to worry worry about these animals foraging for food as they tend to hide away around the time autumn hits.

Make sure not to tempt these animals on to your property by maintaining a clean home and making sure the trash is not easily accessible. Northwest Exterminating can help guard your home by providing services such as Complete CrawlSpace and TAP Attic Insulation. If you are interested in this service or more, please visit us at!


Dr. Goo's Corner: Wildlife and Rabies

Wildlife ControlWith cooler weather moving in it is the time of year where wildlife such as squirrels, rodents, raccoons, etc, begin to take refuge in your home.  Animal control is important for the health of your home.  Rodents make for unsanitary conditions by urinating, leaving droppings, chewing on wires, insulation, and other items in the attic, and can often carry disease.  Some rodents can be dangerous and will attack if they feel that they or their young are in danger.

A common concern for wildlife is the threat of rabies.  Rabies is a serious illness so we went to our health expert, Dr. Goo.  Below, Dr. Goo talks about the risk rabies:

Rabies is a viral illness that can cause death and serious illness if untreated. If treated quickly and appropriately almost everyone can be cured of rabies.

The most important way to avoid rabies is to not be bitten or exposed to animals that potentially may have the rabies virus.

The most common animal exposures to rabies are from wild animals. Bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes are the primary animals that carry rabies in the United States.

Pets can be protected from rabies by getting their rabies shots annually.  Domestic animals rarely transmit rabies.

If you think you may have been exposed or bitten by an animal that has rabies you should call the Georgia Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222.  You should also notify your doctor.

Remember, prevention and avoidance are the best defense against rabies.

Northwest Exterminating offers Wildlife Control for you and your family. The Wildlife Services Team specializes in the exclusion, removal, and control of wildlife nuisances like bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes and coyotes – the most common causes of rabies exposure.

For more detailed information about rabies exposure, treatment, prevention, and protection, please visit the Center for Disease Control and the Georgia Poison Center.

Dr. Goo

Calling All Realtors!

Did you know that Northwest Exterminating offers Continuing Education classes for Georgia Realtors?  We offer 7 classes that earn agents 3 credit hours.  Not only do we offer the CE classes but we come to you!!  Our Realtor Team can come to your office or a location of your choice.

Construction and Termites – This course is a visually detailed view of the construction process, as it relates to termites, and the various termite treatment methods used in new construction. A discussion of clearance letters and Form II’s is also included.

Builder One – If you are selling new construction homes, this class is a must! This is an in-depth course for builders and agents discussing the real termite problem, comparing construction foundations and explaining the termite treatments for each. An explanation of termite warranties is also provided.

Wildlife – What is in your attic? – Critters causing commotion? This course encompasses an extensive study of the problems and the preventative solutions available to homeowners concerning a wide variety of pests including rodents, snakes and bats.

Pest Damage Identification and Control Methods – GAR Approved.  Bugs, bugs, bugs! This class is specifically designed to help agents identify different types of termite damage and nonstructural threats. The differences between termites and ants and various other bugs are also discussed.

Going Green – Construction, Conservation and Pest Prevention – Is your environment important to you? This course is primarily to help Real Estate Agents and Appraisers understand the importance of our ever changing environment and how the Real Estate community can impact our conservation efforts.

Staying Ahead of the Competition – Don’t be caught off guard by the FHA/VA stumbling blocks! This class instructs the agent on Form II restrictions, GAR revisions, and the Official Georgia Wood Infestation Report. Conducive conditions for termites are also covered in this class.

What’s Bugging You? – Don’t be scared…be prepared! Topics covered in this class include ants, flies, household bugs, insects that bite or sting, spiders, bed bugs, and prevention and control methods.

For more information, go to our website for the dates of our currently scheduled classes.  Check in often for class schedule updates.

To schedule a Continuing Education class for Realtors in your office, contact Northwest’s Real Estate Team.

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