Top 3 Spiders in Bonita Springs

Top 3 Spiders in Bonita Springs

Bonita Springs Pest Control: Spider Identification & Prevention

Creepy, crawly, and usually unwanted in our homes, spiders will often infest, looking for a nice place to inhabit. Most spiders that homeowners come across are harmless, but it’s always a good idea to stay on top of the spiders in your area to help prevent them. Check out our list of the top 3 common spiders you can find in Bonita Springs.

Black Widows

Black widows are one of the most venomous spiders in North America. These spiders are shiny black, with the female displaying a red hourglass-shaped mark on the underside of the abdomen. You can find black widow spiders outdoors under rocks, boards, or even in or around old buildings. These spiders tend to hunt by day and hide at night in their web. Luckily, they are not aggressive, and their bites only occur because of accidental contact. If bitten, common symptoms include redness, swelling at the site of the bite, nausea, and sometimes paralysis.

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are fairly large and hairy with a pattern of black, gray, and brown coloring. While they often frighten people with their looks, they are non-venomous and will only bite if provoked. These creatures do not spin webs to catch their prey but instead, hunt at night or wait to ambush while hiding under debris or burrowing. You can usually find these spiders on the ground, where they can camouflage their hairy bodies under leaf litter, rocks, and logs. If they find their way indoors, they like to stay close to the floor and are active in dim light.

Brown Widow

One of the main types of venomous spiders in Bonita Springs is the brown widow. These spiders are slightly smaller than the black widow, grey to brown in color, and have a yellow hourglass marking under the abdomen. Brown widows are often found under rocks and logs but can adapt to human environments too. If they find their way inside, you can often find them in empty containers, entryway corners, under eaves, in cluttered storage closets, or any area that has been undisturbed for a long period. These spiders bite in self-defense, causing symptoms including swelling, nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure.

To avoid these spiders entering your home, implement the following spider prevention tips:

  • Keep your storage areas, garages, and basements clutter-free
  • Avoid leaving your clothes and shoes on the floor; spiders will often hide inside them
  • Seal any open gaps or holes leading inside the home
  • Call your local Bonita Springs pest control company to perform an inspection and provide you with a treatment and prevention plan


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