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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…MOSQUITO?!?!
Yes, that is right mosquito season is here! And although we all enjoyed the mild winter, we may not be able to say the same this summer. Mild winters usually mean an influx in pest pressure for Pest Management Professionals and their customers…including mosquitoes.
There are currently 63 different species of mosquitoes found in GA. Approximately$125,000,000 is spent annually in Georgia in an effort to reduce and treat the effects of disease and nuisance caused by mosquitoes. That’s a lot of money to control one insect. But is there a cost to protect the public’s health? Because the mosquito has become a big threat!
Worldwide malaria remains the most important human disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Malaria counts for almost 2 million deaths each year and is estimated that there are over 400 million cases in the world. In Georgia, we see about 50 to 60 cases of Malaria a year. Although Malaria affects the most humans worldwide there are two other diseases that we see more frequently in Georgia.
The West Nile virus was first found in the states in 1999. In 2002, the virus spread over most of the United States and caused over 4,000 cases and 277 deaths. The virus is transmitted from the mosquito to a host bird, where the virus grows and then is transmitted to an incidental host (humans) by another mosquito. To date, there is no antivirus for those affected with the disease.
Another common disease doesn’t affect humans directly but it does affect the family dog. Dog heartworms are a serious problem and are spread by mosquitoes. Infection rates in some states have been reported to be as high as 80% in dogs over 2.5 years old, and almost 100% in dogs over 5 years old that are left un-vaccinated. There is approximately $60,000,000 being spent on heartworm prevention in Georgia each year and it cost nearly $1,000 to treat a case of heartworms. Bottom-line…make sure you treat your dog for heartworms BEFORE it’s an issue.
So what can we do? Mosquito prevention at Northwest Exterminating is a five step program following the basic principles of an Integrated Mosquito Management program:
It is important as homeowner’s that we do our part. Here are some simple steps to help reduce mosquitoes around your home:
For more tips like these and to help reduce the amount of mosquitoes around your home call Northwest Exterminating. Our goal is to create a healthier environment around your home so you can enjoy your yard!
Adam Vannest
Director of Pest Services
Northwest Exterminating
[email protected]
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…MOSQUITO?!?!
It is important as homeowner’s that we do our part. Here are some simple steps to help reduce mosquitoes around your home:
For more tips like these and to help reduce the amount of mosquitoes around your home call Northwest Exterminating. Our goal is to create a healthier environment around your home so you can enjoy your yard!
Adam Vannest
Director of Pest Services
Northwest Exterminating
[email protected]
The NPMA recently posted an article on their website that explained the dangers that rodents can cause to your home and your health. We often talk in our blogs about the unsanitary conditions and the property damage that a rodent infestation can lead to but we rarely discuss the health risks that are involved.
Rodents, such as mice and rats, can leave droppings that can spread bacteria, contaminate food, and cause allergic reactions. Droppings can also spread diseases and viruses such as the following:
To read the full article or get more information on the diseases above click HERE.
Please don’t take chances with the health of you or your loved ones. If you have rodents in your home, call a licensed exterminator, Northwest Exterminating, to get rid of the rodents in your home.
With our commitment to healthier living and working environments, we at Northwest understand the importance of good pest management for personal health. Living in a hygienic environment and minimizing exposure to unwanted pests can literally save lives. For instance, the lives of twenty-five million Europeans during the Late Middle Ages were claimed by fleas that had spread the bubonic plague. They managed this feat by using another pest as a host – rats! Modern improvements on hygiene, sanitation and pest management have dramatically reduced the impact of this disease.
Another more common disease brought on by insects is Lyme disease. This disease is carried by the deer tick in the form of a bacterium called Borrelia bugdorferi. If a deer tick bites you, the bacterium enters the bloodstream and will lead to skin rash and in extreme cases, paralysis. When caught early, antibiotics can eliminate the bacteria before it causes furthermore harm.
Mosquitoes in particular can carry a host of diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, pogosta disease, and West Nile virus. They carry similar traits in that when infected, a person will experience a fever indicating that more serious effects are on the way such as meningitis or arthritis. All these diseases can lead to death if not caught or treated properly. For some of these diseases, the best form of prevention is pest management. Northwest Exterminating provides solutions to reduce the presence of mosquitoes in and around your home or work environment.
If you come in contact with a pest and feel you may have been exposed to any disease, be sure to immediately seek medical attention. Many of these diseases, as well as others such as malaria or rabies can be treated when caught early.
Melissa Brown
[email protected]
The NPMA recently released the results of a survey that listed the Top 5 Pests of the Summer for homeowners. The results are not too surprising to us here at Northwest Exterminating.
Along with being an annoyance, these pests can cause health and sanitary issues for homeowners and their families. Stings, bites, and disease are all risks that come with such pests. Luckily, with good housekeeping and an exterminator that you can trust, you can rest easy.
The NPMA has offered tips to avoid these pests throughout the summer:
CLICK HERE to view the rest of the tips to avoid these summer pests.
Do you agree with the Top 5 pest results?