When Does Mosquito Season Begin?

When Does Mosquito Season Begin?

Spring is around the corner and so is mosquito season! Mosquito season tends to start sooner for those of us who live in the southeastern region of the United States. Mosquitoes are a major nuisance and can even be a danger to you, your family, and pets if prevention methods aren’t put in place. Keep reading to discover more about preventing mosquitoes.

Remove Standing Water

Mosquitoes only need a small amount of stagnant water to successfully breed. Identifying these areas around your home before it’s too late is one of the best ways to prevent mosquitoes in your yard. Start looking for items that can hold water, like toys, buckets, outdoor pet bowls, bird baths, and tire swings. Be proactive in removing or changing the water out daily in these types of items.

Utilize Mosquito-Repelling Plants

These pesky pests might seem impossible to remove but another way to repel them from your yard is to plant mosquito repelling plants. Some flowers and plants can keep these pests away from your house, especially citronella, marigold, lavender, rosemary, catnip, and peppermint.

Call a Pest Professional

If these tips aren’t helping in keeping mosquitoes away, then a monthly mosquito control service is another great option. You don’t have to keep battling mosquitoes alone and a local pest control company can have your back during this season with mosquito reduction programs that target both adult and larvae mosquitoes.

Enjoy your yard this spring and request a free mosquito estimate now!

When Should I End Mosquito Treatments in Naples?

When Should I End Mosquito Treatments in Naples?

Naples Pest Control: Mosquito Season

Having effective mosquito control in Naples, Florida is imperative. Without year-round support from your local pest control company, you are bound to confront many mosquitoes around your property. With warm temperatures nearly year-round, your yard is the ideal environment for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. It’s important to have a mosquito service plan working all year long. Let’s talk about how mosquito control can better help you!

Mosquitoes pose many health risks for you and your family. They are known to carry diseases like Zika virus and West Nile virus, which are both very serious. It’s important to work with your pest control company to determine what treatment plan works best for you.

The first step in figuring out which plan is right for you is to obtain an inspection of your entire yard to identify breeding sites and resting places that mosquitoes are using. Once these areas have been identified, larvicide and adulticide applications are used to control the mosquito population on your property. After the application is completed, it’s best to remove any standing water on your property, which can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The best part of the plan is that in between treatments a technician will come out for any issues that arise.

In addition to mosquito treatments, homeowners can also take steps to prevent mosquitoes around their homes by:

  • Cutting away tall weeds around your property
  • Removing any containers with standing water
  • Making sure your property drains properly to avoid flooding and standing water
  • Mowing your lawn regularly

If you think you have a problem with mosquitoes or any other pests, contact your local Naples pest control company to receive a free inspection!


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DIY Mosquito Control Methods

DIY Mosquito Control Methods

Miami Pest Control: Mosquito Prevention Tips

Miami is prone to heat and humidity, which can bring a host of pest problems. One pest known to arrive in droves during the warmer season is mosquitoes. While it’s inevitable to run into these pests this time of year, it is possible to reduce them around your home. Check out our list of DIY methods for mosquito control so you can get back to enjoying your home.

Eliminate Breeding Sites

Female mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to breed, producing even more of these nuisance pests in your yard. It’s important to eliminate any stagnant water throughout your property to avoid them. Check around your property for any objects that can hold water and remove them, such as outdoor pet bowls, tire swings, tarps, and more.

Maintain Your Yard

Tall grass, shrubbery, and even damp woodpiles are the perfect places for mosquitoes to hide in. It’s important to keep your yard well landscaped, mow your lawn often, and cut back your shrubs. If you have any wood piles in your yard, cover them and store them in containers with lids at least 20 feet from your home.

Utilize Fans

Did you know that mosquitoes are attracted to our body heat? If you’ve been sweating, it’s likely the pests will seek you out for a blood meal. If you’re spending time on your deck or patio, utilize outdoor fans to help redirect the carbon dioxide and body heat you emit.

Consider Monthly Treatments

Sometimes the best option is to call a professional to help with mosquito control. There are several different mosquito treatment methods available, including green mosquito treatments and traditional ones. Professional mosquito services will include treatments that eliminate larvae and adult mosquitoes, source reduction techniques, and prevention methods. Your local Miami pest control company typically offers a monthly mosquito service during peak mosquito season.


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Are Mosquitoes Still Active in the Fall?

Are Mosquitoes Still Active in the Fall?

Mosquitoes are most active based on the temperature, not the time of year. In the South, this means they are active for most of the year. Even though summer is almost over, the heat will stay for a while. Sometimes, we even see temperatures above 70 degrees well into the fall season. With mosquitoes still active, it’s important to continue taking precautions.

Treatments for mosquitoes should continue into the fall, even if you aren’t experiencing mosquito issues. There are reasons behind the “start it early and finish late” saying when it comes to mosquito treatments. Treatments should run from March to October to ensure the mosquitoes are dealt with correctly.

Do you ever wonder where mosquitoes go during the fall and winter? Depending on the mosquito species, they most likely haven’t gone anywhere. They can still be found in your lawn, pond, creek, or woods. They only remain inactive in the fall and winter, most likely hibernating. Some mosquitoes will even lay their dormant eggs in the soil until warmer weather returns.

Mosquitoes might not seem as active in the later months, but they are prepared for when the weather returns to a favorable climate for them to thrive. Treatment schedules should be followed for a reason, to help maintain mosquito control, especially when the weather warms up again.

If you suspect you have a mosquito problem, reach out to your local pest control company and they can get a mosquito plan made that’s right for you and your property.

Mosquito Bites 101

Mosquito Bites 101

When you think of warmer weather, you imagine barbecues and beach trips. Unfortunately, these outdoor activities can be ruined by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes can put a damper on any summer fun, causing itchy red bumps and spreading diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, and more within the U.S.

Most people are familiar with the maddening, itching sensation of a mosquito bite. But why do mosquito bites itch and why do they bite people in the first place? Let’s break it down.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Only female mosquitoes bite as they need protein to nourish their developing eggs. Biting mosquitoes use several different signals to locate a host, including carbon dioxide that we exhale, heat, and body odor. There are many factors that make some people appear more attractive to mosquitoes than others, including darker colored clothing, blood type, body size, being pregnant, sweat, and skin bacteria.

Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

During the process of a mosquito biting you, it injects some of its own saliva which contains an anticoagulant and specific proteins. The anticoagulant prevents blood from clotting around the mosquito’s mouth. The proteins released by the mosquito trigger the body’s immune system, which releases histamine, a compound that increases cell count resulting in inflammation and swelling. The histamine also signals the nerves around the bite to cause it to itch.

Preventing Mosquito Bites

  • Eliminate standing water around your property to lessen the population of mosquitoes
  • Utilize screens on all windows and doors if they remain open
  • Most species are active during dusk and dawn, so limit your time outside during these time periods
  • Wear long pants and sleeves when possible and apply mosquito repellent containing an EPA-registered ingredient like DEET

If the mosquito problem is more than you can handle, then contacting your local pest control company might be the next step.  as they will help set up the right prevention plan for your home.

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