Keep the Bugs Away this 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!  We’d like to take a second to say how proud we are to be Americans!!  We’re proud to live in the country of the land of the free and the home of the brave!!  And like always, we’d like to thank all of the brave men and women and their families that have given so much for this great country!!

But before you go enjoy those fireworks…here are some tips to stay bug free this 4th of July:

  • Avoid standing water in areas like flower pots, bird baths, buckets, barrels, etc.  Areas like these are breeding spots for mosquitoes that can carry diseases like West Nile and encephalitis.
  • Wear an insect repellant, such as DEET, to protect against mosquitoes and other bugs.
  • Keep food covered when possible to avoid attracting mosquitoes, flies, and ants.
  • Tightly seal garbage and put it in a sealed garbage container on the outside of your home.  Make sure that the lid to the trash can is on securely to avoid rodents from getting in and going through the trash.
  • Keep your lawn mowed and clear of debris.
  • Protect your pets from fleas and ticks by using a preventative.  These can be purchased over the counter or by your veterinarian.
  • Have your exterminator treat your yard and home for insects and other rodents that could BUG you this summer!  (Get it, BUG you!)

What other tips do have for staying bug free this 4th of July?

What to Expect During a Pest Control Inspection

We recently discussed the importance of having an inspection prior to receiving a pest control treatment (HERE).  We thought we would continue with the discussion by letting you know what you should expect during a pest control inspection from an exterminator.

What to expect during a pest control inspection:

  • A highly trained pest management professional should be neatly and professionally dressed.trained pest control professional
  • The exterminator should arrive in a well marked vehicle that clearly states what pest management company they are representing.
  • A thorough pest control inspection should include both inside and outside inspection of the structure.  This will target common “hot spots”, or entry points, for insects, rodents, and other pests.  Common entry points are bathrooms, kitchens, garages, attics, and crawlspaces.
  • Along with checking for entry points, the pest control representative will check for conducive conditions that would attract pests.
  • An exterminators best friend is their flash light.  The flashlight helps them to locate and see insects and harborage areas around the structure.  Other common tools that may be used: telescope mirror, moisture meter, and a probing tool.
  • Following the inspection, the inspector will review their findings and create a customizable treatment plan that is best suited for the needs of the structure.  The customized treatment plan will include how to exclude points of entry, eliminate conducive conditions, and a personalized pest control management plan for ongoing protection.pest control van in front of a house

Getting rid of bugs is important to you and Northwest Exterminating.  We want you to know what you should expect out of our highly trained technicians when they inspect your home or business.  For more information about pest control visit us online at

Northwest Exterminating offers FREE inspections.  Call 888.466.7849 or visit our website for your FREE, no obligation inspection.


Why Do I Need an Inspection for Pest Control?

Why do I need an inspection before you treat my home for pests?

The short answer is because every situation is different.  A professional exterminating company will thoroughly inspect both the interior and exterior of a structure to determine the identity of a pest(s), the entry point(s), the severity of the issue, and a customized treatment plan that is suited for your home or business.  The customized plan will include the type of treatment to be done by a professional exterminator as well as recommendations for the home or business owner that will prevent the insects from returning.   By having a thorough inspection of your home, you can be assured that Northwest Exterminating isn’t just spraying your home without knowing the real reason why and will, in turn, reduce the chance of us having to return before your next scheduled visit.

While one treatment may eliminate current pest issues, we recommend ongoing service to prevent future pest problems. NorPest Green quarterly visits, once every three months, will ensure your home and family are protected from pests year round.




No More Cockroaches

On Cinco de Mayo, we ran the billboard below:

"No More Cockroaches"

We thought the board was perfect for the occasion based on the song “La Cucaracha” that became popular during the Mexican Revolution, but also because cockroaches are a major concern in homes across the South.  Cockroaches can be found in a variety of locations and are a significant health risk due to their ability to transmit several known diseases.  Roaches are heavily reliant on humans for their food and shelter so they are most often found indoors.

Along with diseases, roaches cause allergens in a home.  Children and people over 60 have a higher increase of respiratory issues and can go into anaphylactic shock if an asthma attack should occur due to being exposed to the allergens.  A clean home can deter cockroaches and other pests from invading your home.

General House Cleaning Tips:

  • Sweep, mop, and vacuum regularly
  • Wipe up spills and other messes as soon as possible
  • Wipe down counters
  • Keep upholstery and other linens clean

Common roaches found in Atlanta area homes are the American Cockroach, Brown-banded Cockroach, German Cockroach, and Oriental Cockroach.  For more information on roaches, visit our Identify your Pest section of our website. Roaches infest in high numbers so it is best to call an exterminator to ensure that the infestation is taken care of quickly and effectively.

Flea Prevention & Facts

How can something as small as a flea be such a huge pain?  Pet owners are all too familiar with the annoyance of fleas because they make us AND our pets miserable.  Fleas attach themselves to warm-blooded animals (pets and humans) and feed on their blood.  A flea bite can cause discomfort, painful, itchy red bumps and can lead to an allergic reaction.  In some cases, they can even transmit diseases like the bubonic plague, murine typhus and transfer tapeworms in pets.

To prevent fleas from becoming a pest in your home, clean and vacuum frequently.  A clean home is a healthy home and will aid in the prevention of other pests as well.  Cleaning will help to remove any fleas and their eggs.  Maintaining a clean yard is just as important, especially if you have pets that go outside often.  A well kept lawn with no debris or pet droppings will reduce the flea population around your home.  Bathe pets regularly and apply a flea and tick treatment.  Most importantly, call a professional exterminator if you have fleas in your home.  A flea infestation can be very difficult to get rid of and is best left to the professionals so the problem does not continue to grow.
Interesting Flea Facts:

  • The largest recorded flea measured almost ½ inch!
  • Fleas consume 15 times their weight in blood each day. That is like a 140 lb. woman eating 8,400 burgers in one day!
  • Fleas are the number one cause of allergies in cats and dogs.
  • Fleas can live for about 100 days.
  • Fleas don’t fly, they jump.
  • A pair of fleas can produce 400-500 offspring in their lifetime.
  • A flea can jump up to 8 inches high or 150 times its own height.

Got a flea problem?  Call Northwest Exterminating for professional, effective flea control.

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