The Importance of Routine Pest Services in Florida

The Importance of Routine Pest Services in Florida

Purchasing and owning a home brings a sense of pride and responsibility for many Florida homeowners. A home is not only an investment but it’s the place where you can raise your family, so it’s crucial to keep it protected. Having a routine pest control service can bring several benefits to your property and family. Here are 5 reasons to consider it.

5 Benefits to Routine Pest Control Services

  1. Stops Pest Infestations Early: Professional pest control technicians can identify potential pest problems before they become a full-blown infestation! Once identified, your pest professional will place preventative measures to help keep pests from returning. Likewise, they can give you advice on how to seal entry points, repair problematic areas, and reduce pest attractants around your home.
  2. Benefits Your Health: Pests, like roaches, can trigger allergies and asthma, while mice are known to contaminate food and surfaces through your home. Routine pest control will help correct these unhealthy conditions.
  3. Promoted Healthy Environment: Your pest professional will identify moisture issues, leaks, cracks in the foundation, openings around doors or windows, and crawlspace issues. All these issues can lead to water damage utility bills, stress on your HVAC systems, and structural damage. A routine pest service will help identify these issues early so you can repair them sooner.
  4. Decrease Pest Costs: Catching pest issues early will save you money in the long run. It can be costly to treat a pest infestation, especially if they’ve created considerable damage to your home needing expensive repairs. With a routine pest service, catching the damage early will save you thousands of dollars in the future.
  5. Scheduled Visits: Ongoing, scheduled visits are included in a routine pest service, saving you time to call around to find help at the last minute for a pest issue. These visits will also guarantee you priority if an unexpected infestation occurs between your regularly scheduled visits.

If you’re interested in recurring pest control services, contact your local South Florida pest control company for more information and a free inspection.

Preparing for Pests During Hurricane Season in North Naples

Preparing for Pests During Hurricane Season in North Naples

As a resident of North Naples, Florida, you know hurricane season can bring many challenges, including an influx of pests. It’s important to both prepare your home for the high winds and heavy rain and place preventative measures to prevent a pest infestation that the hurricane season can bring. Check out our tips on preparing for pests during hurricane season:

Secure Your Home

Before a hurricane hits your area, it is crucial to ensure that the exterior of your home is secure. This means checking for any gaps or cracks where pests can enter your home. Look around your windows, doors, and roof for openings. Consider utilizing weatherstripping or caulking these areas to ensure they are sealed.

Keep Food Sealed

While stocking up on food and water before a hurricane hits your area is important, it can also attract pests. Ants and rodents are highly attracted to food, and it’s important to properly seal stored food you have inside your home. Consider utilizing airtight containers to avoid pests from invading them.

Remove Debris

After a hurricane hits, your yard could be littered with debris, leaves, tree limbs, and more. This clutter can be the perfect environment for pests to thrive. Remove any of these items from your property as soon as you can to help prevent pests from utilizing it as a nesting ground or hiding place.

Inspect Your Home

The aftermath of a hurricane can see various damages to your home, including broken windows, water damage, foundation damage, and more. It’s important to inspect your home for any of this damage after the storm. Inspect your home for any cracks in the walls, windows, or doors caused by high winds and debris. These openings will provide easy access for pests, making it essential to repair them as soon as possible.

Consider Pest Control

Sometimes, placing preventative measures throughout your home can only go so far. If you need extra support to deal with pests before, during, or after hurricane season, consider reaching out to your local pest control company. These professionals will identify the pest problem, identify entry points, and provide a treatment and prevention plan to prevent future pest infestations.

Do Florida Hurricanes Cause More Pests?

Do Florida Hurricanes Cause More Pests?

Hurricanes are bound to happen, especially in Florida. These natural phenomena can cause severe damage to our community, homes, and the environment around us. Unfortunately, hurricanes will also affect pest activity, as homeowners might see the emergence of even more pests. After a hurricane, we will often experience a population increase of pests that thrive in warm, moist environments. Check out our list of pests to look out for after a hurricane and what you can do for hurricane pest control.


One of the most common pests that emerge after a hurricane is mosquitoes. The water that’s left behind by the storm will provide the perfect breeding ground for these pests. While mosquitoes are a nuisance, they can spread diseases such as the West Nile virus, Zika virus, and dengue fever. To prevent these pests, remove objects that can collect rainwater, including toys, buckets, tarps, old tires, and more. Likewise, look to remove all leaves and yard debris to keep mosquitoes from invading your yard.


Other pests that will emerge after a hurricane are ants. When an area becomes flooded, it forces ants to seek out a new place to inhabit, often leading them to our homes. Ants, such as fire ants, pavement ants, and carpenter ants, can all be difficult to control, as they can establish their new colony quickly and are highly adaptable. To keep ants from invading your home after a storm, seal all cracks or gaps found on the interior and exterior of the home. Remove and clean up any food source that may attract ants inside.


Cockroaches will thrive in the aftermath of a hurricane. A home or building that’s flooded provides the perfect environment for these pests, where they can settle, breed, and multiply. Roaches are known to carry diseases and even trigger allergic reactions. To deter roaches from your home, eliminate as much moisture as possible by regularly checking for leaky faucets or sinks. Take the trash out on a regular basis, placing it in a tightly sealed trashcan with a lid.

Hurricanes can have a significant impact on our environment and the activity of household pests. Utilizing hurricane pest control measures throughout your home before a hurricane or rainstorm will help to prevent a full-blown pest infestation. If you’re still seeing pests after taking precautions, it could be time to contact your local pest control company for help. These professionals will inspect your home, identify the pest, identify areas of entry, and provide you with a treatment and prevention plan that’s fit for your home.

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